Page 314 - Ebook health insurance IC27
P. 314

The Insurance Times

                     Individual                         Group

     It requires the receipt of the contract or Employees covered receive certificates

     policy by the insured or policyowner as of insurance as evidence of their

     evidence of coverage                     coverage

     Except spouse and dependents, insured's  Members may become eligible for or
     coverage normally begins with the        cease eligibility for coverage any time
     inception of the contract and ceases     during the policy period
     with its termination

     Individual premiums are determined by The actual group experience of the

     the characteristic of the person being larger employers is the most significant

     insured                                  factor in setting the premium

     Pre-existing conditions
     Pre-existing conditions are any medical conditions or their related conditions, which are
     a consequence of any previous illness that has ever required or would require
     hospitalization, medical treatment and/or medication, or has been diagnosed prior to
     members' enrolments. These conditions are generally excluded, but some policies cover
     them under certain conditions, usually after elapse of a waiting (ie moratorium) period.

     Chronic conditions
     Chronic Condition is defined as a medical condition of long duration that is seen to be
     an ongoing condition without prospect of cure or of being able to return the insured
     person to their normal or previous state of health.

     As mentioned earlier, indemnity medical insurance policies only cover acute and curable
     conditions. Conditions such as hypertension, bronchitis, diabetes, peptic ulcer, sinusitis,
     etc are not curable. They require preventive or maintenance treatment, which will only
     give relief or control symptoms rather than effect a cure.

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