Page 92 - Ebook health insurance IC27
P. 92

The Insurance Times

 Stop adverse claim experience
 Responsible market conduct by insurers
 Discipline in underwriting
 Setting up Administration standards for group schemes

A Comparison of Individual & Group Medical Insurance

                     Individual                                 Group
                                             It provides coverage to a number of
It provides coverage to an individual who    persons under a single contract (known
owns the contract of insurance               as the master contract).
                                             The policy owner is an employer or any
Insured person is the policyowner            other organization
                                             It provides benefits to a group of
It often includes the policyholder's family  individuals who have a specific
members                                      relationship (for example, employment)
                                             to the policy owner
It is usually owned by the insured. There    Someone other than the person insured
are some cases where an individual           owns it
purchases the insurance for spouse or
dependent children only                      To avoid anti-selection, most of policies
It covers any individual who legally         usually cover full-time employees
qualify for contracting and his spouse and
eligible dependents                          Usually a minimum number of
No limitation on the number of               participants is required
participants                                 The underwriting is focused on the
Acceptance for coverage is determined        characteristics of the group, rather than
by the characteristics of a person being     those of the individual members
insured, rather than those of the
policyowner                                  Employees covered receive certificates
It requires the receipt of the contract or   of insurance as evidence of their
policy by the insured or policyowner as      coverage
evidence of coverage

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