Page 93 - Ebook health insurance IC27
P. 93

Sashi Publications

         Individual                        Group

Except spouse and dependents, insured's    Members may become eligible for or
coverage normally begins with the          cease eligibility for coverage any time
inception of the contract and ceases with  during the policy period
its termination

Individual premiums are determined by The actual group experience of the larger

the characteristic of the person being employers is the most significant factor

insured                                    in setting the premium

Use of genetics in underwriting

 Genetics a discipline of biology, is the science of genes, heredity, and variation in
    living organisms. The fact that living things inherit traits from their parents has been
    used since prehistoric times to improve crop plants and animals through selective

 The uses of genes are being expanded to new areas and insurance is one of them.
 Maybe in future underwriter will be able to study or use this science for the health

    risk assessment of an individual. It may act as an effective tool to the underwriter
    and actuaries for the health assessment.
 Genetic abnormalities may either be inherited or acquired. Though many people
    believe use of genetics may not be correct in insurance parlance since it may reveal
    private data about an individual and it's secrecy may be revealed. It may have long-
    term social impact.
 Insurers may also resort to cream skimming, thereby selecting only healthy lives and
    the whole concept of insurance may derail.
 Due to public concerns use of genetics in insurance is very much restricted. Only in
    Britain in some cases it is allowed to use genetic in insurance underwriting where the
    sum assured of policies are more than 5 lakh pound.
 It isstill in its nascent stage foruseintheinsuranceindustry. Maybeif suitablemeasures
    are taken it may be effectively utilised in insurance underwriting in time to come.

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