Page 38 - Banking Finance January 2025
P. 38


          Declaration  of  fugitive  economic                    Court finds that the individual is not a fugitive economic
                                                                 offender,  the Special Court  shall order release of
          offender                                               property  or  record attached or seized  under  this
          1. After hearing the application, if the Special Court is  Ordinance to the person entitled to receive it.
             satisfied that an individual is a fugitive  economic
                                                              10. Where an order releasing the property has been made
             offender, it may, by an order, declare the individual as
                                                                 by the Special Court, the Director may withhold the
             a fugitive economic offender for reasons to be recorded
                                                                 release of any such property or record for a period of
             in writing.
                                                                 ninety days from the date of receipt of such order, if he
          2. On a declaration, the Special Court may order that any  is of the opinion that such property is relevant for the
             of the following properties stand confiscated-      appeal proceedings under this Ordinance.
             a) The proceeds of crime in India or abroad, whether
                 or not such property is owned by the fugitive  Supplementary application
                 economic offender; and
                                                              Where at any time after the institution of the application,
             b) Any other property or benami property in India or  any  other  property  is  discovered or  identified  which
                 abroad, owned by the fugitive economic offender.  constitutes proceeds of crime or is property owned by the
          3. The confiscation order of the Special Court shall, to the  fugitive economic offender liable to be confiscated under this
             extent possible, identify the properties in India or  Ordinance, the Director or officer authorized by the Director
             abroad that constitute proceeds of crime which are to  for the purposes of this section, may file a supplementary
             be confiscated and in case such properties cannot be  application in the Special Court seeking confiscation of such
             identified, quantify the value of the proceeds of crime.  properties.
          4. The  confiscation  order  of  the  Special  Court  shall
             separately list any other property owned by the fugitive Power to disallow civil claims

             economic offender in India which is to be confiscated.  On a declaration of an individual as a fugitive economic
          5. Where  the  Special  Court  has  made  an  order  for  offender, any Court may disallow such individual from
             confiscation of any property, and such property is in a  defending any civil claim. Any Court may disallow any
             contracting State, the Special Court may issue a letter  company or limited liability partnership from defending any
             of request to a Court or authority in the contracting  civil claim, if an individual filing the claim on behalf of the
             State for execution of such order.               company or the limited liability partnership, or any promoter
                                                              or key managerial personnel or majority shareholder of the
          6. Every  letter  of  request  to  be  transmitted  to  a
                                                              company or an individual having a controlling interest has
             contracting State in such form and manner as the  been declared as a fugitive economic offender.
             Central Government may, by notification, specify in this
                                                              Management of properties confiscated
          7. The Special Court may, while making the confiscation
                                                              The Central Government may, by order published in the
             order, exempt from confiscation any property which is
             a proceed of crime in which any other person, other  Official Gazette, appoint as many of its officers, not below
                                                              the rank of a Joint Secretary to the Government of India as
             than the fugitive economic offender, has an interest if
                                                              it thinks fit, to perform the functions of an Administrator.
             it is satisfied that such interest was acquired bonafide
                                                              The Administrator appointed shall receive and manage the
             and without knowledge of the fact that the property
             was proceeds of crime.                           property in relation to which an order has been made. He
                                                              shall also take such measures, as the Central Government
          8. All the rights and title in the confiscated property shall,  may direct, to dispose of the property which is vested in the
             from the date of the confiscation order, vest in the  Central Government, provided that the Central Government
             Central Government, free from all encumbrances.  or the Administrator shall not dispose of any property for a
          9. Where on the conclusion of the proceedings, the Special  period of ninety days from the date of the order.

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