Page 41 - Banking Finance January 2025
P. 41


         The rapidly growing popularity of digital payments: The  Where  the  Debit  Cards  have  been?
         COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of  Where are they going?
         alternative payment options in the modern world. As a
         result, innovative contactless methods like digital wallets,  There's no doubt that debit cards will remain a popular
                                                              payment type. However, what the future holds in store for
         QR codes, and P2P payment apps gained prominence.
                                                              the debit card depends largely on how cardholders of the
                                                              future are inclined to make transactions. Let's take a look
         Cards' susceptibility to fraud: Despite advancements in
                                                              at two ways debit cards are already adapting to their
         security features, traditional bank cards are still susceptible
                                                              cardholders' changing preferences.
         to fraud and unauthorized transactions. They also face a risk
         of being lost or stolen.
                                                              As debit cards directly access a cardholder's bank account,
                                                              maintaining control of funds is of the utmost importance.
         Sustainability concerns: The environmental impact of  EMV has helped curtail in-store fraud, but hasn't thwarted
         producing and disposing of  plastic cards is a growing  fraud in online  payments and other card-not-present
         concern. As sustainability becomes a key focus globally,  situations. The introduction of card controls that give
         more and more card issuers are facing pressure to optimize  cardholders a greater ability to track card use and monitor
         their processes.                                     their spending has been effective in helping fight this type
                                                              of fraud.
         "Only the online payments where people may not be too
         comfortable using UPI on a particular device or where it's  Advanced card control apps offered by different bank's and
         quite a large-value transaction or where the person is  financial institute, allow cardholders to manage their cards
         leveraging the benefits available on a particular debit card,  directly from their mobile device. Cardholders can elect to
         such as debit EMI, might be the instances where a debit  receive real-time transaction updates, notifying them of
         card is used," Garg said.                            every  purchase  made  on  their  debit  card.  Allowing
                                                              cardholders to set spending limits, designate use locations
         Consumers may eventually see no point in carrying debit  and geographical parameters, and even require mobile
         cards as there is an annual or quarterly fee for maintaining  device proximity can have a significant impact on their
                                                              exposure and vulnerability to both card-present and card-
         them but UPI is practically free. Garg pointed out that
                                                              not-present fraud.
         merchants also prefer UPI because it does not draw a
         merchant discount rate (MDR), but on debit cards at POS
         merchants have to pay around 1%. "The consumer demand  But should their card be compromised, cardholders have the
                                                              benefit of immediate, uninterrupted access to "turn off"
         for debit cards may eventually fall and banks may also find
                                                              their card, both limiting further damage to their account
         it costly to issue them in a scenario of low usage.
                                                              balance and the impact on their financial institution.
                                                              Going Card-less

                                                              Removing the physical card from the payment equation
                                                              might seem like the end of debit cards altogether. However,
                                                              syncing smartphone technologies with the functionality of
                                                              the debit card could just be the next step in its evolution.We
                                                              cant not ignore the contribution of E-wallets which are
                                                              secure, convenient, and user-friendly payment options that
                                                              are widely accepted across the globe.

                                                              In recent years, we've observed a slow shift towards NFC
                                                              technology that supports the use of mobile wallets. By
                                                              adopting mobile wallets, cardholders are transitioning their
                                                              spending process and changing how merchants accept

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