Page 20 - Insurance Times March 2022
P. 20

The insurers who coagulate innovation in product   of Big Data creates opportunities to insurance to make use
           development tends to lead the market. Moreover, business  of unprecedented insights into the end customer's life,
           in a VUCA world where change is the only constant, is  property, health, wealth and behavioral patterns using
           transforming the business world because of economic,  artificial intelligence.
           political, technological, and environmental forces.
           Therefore, constant and rigorous innovation is the only  This allows insurers to swift through this data quickly and
           way to secure and defend a competitive edge, which helps  efficiently enabling more personalized approaches to risk
           in realizing new revenue opportunities needed for  management, reduce liabilities and lower premiums in return.
           sustained profitable growth.                       The ability to access data faster than ever before also allows
                                                              insurers to the settle claims more quickly.
           The new era of Insurance with digitalization should start
           with innovation, which embodies multiple layers of  In the past, a common strategy of insurance players was to
           creativity, requiring an understanding of the heart and
                                                              wait for the competitor to move first in order to see whether
           voice of the customers, which is an essential component  a new direction was successful or not. But that strategy does
           of insightful decision-making across business disciplines.
                                                              not work in this disruptive environment with new competitors
           The best practices that help shape innovation activities  outside insurance space. All these changes have given rise to
           serve as a critical tool with respect to product development.  new players with new ways of working and competitive
           Speed, Adaptability, and Risk protection are the key areas  business model. So, as Insurance can turn into a very different
           expected by the customers in a digital world. The strategic  market in the future; how can insurers navigate change and
           and tactical plans articulated by management to pursue  achieve success is the question.
           competitive advantage, sustainable organic growth and
           profitability is backed by clearly stated guidelines for  In such environment, it is important to learn fast as
           innovation and ensuring that not only profit is attained  established players will find ways to be more versatile, it is
           but customer satisfaction is also achieved because of the  essential to think like a disrupter and act like a Startup while
           innovation. Thus, insurers can attain attention of customers  maintaining a clear focus on the customers.
           of different industries towards their model of product.
                                                              In times of rapid change, it is hard to separate facts from
         Introduction                                         fiction. Whereas it is easy to learn by the latest trend and to
                                                              blindly copy, what the competition is doing. However,
         Digital technology is transforming the end-to-end value chain.
                                                              following the market is not the answer; the most successful
         Digital transformation is taking place throughout the entire  companies across industries understand that they need to
         industry value chain - from sales and distribution, to product  build a strong distinctive identity that allows them to carve
         development, underwriting and claims management.     out their own market position rather than reacting to a
         Insurance industry is undergoing a perfect storm; changing  market that has been created by others.
         customer demands, advancement in technology, increases
         in data, the impact of natural disasters, shifting demographics  Creating such a strong identity occurs only by adding value to
         and evolving regulations are just some of the factors that  your customers in the future, focusing on building the few
         shake the roots of the industry. Customized insurance  differentiating capabilities that will allow you to deliver that
         products are released using technologies such as Internet of  value better than anyone else. Once the capabilities that the
         Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) and big data. Car  organization needs to excel is identified, then developing a
         insurance products linked with individual driving habits and  capability agenda to achieve that goal is the next step. It is
         mileage through IoT devices have been unveiled.      important to consider how quickly organization can build the
                                                              new capabilities and by when insurers need them to be
         Customers want more from their insurers, be it, corporate  advanced and integrated.
         customers or consumers. They all now expect the speed and
         elegance to digital retail conducting business with "when  Nowadays, more focus is on "Building capabilities organically
         they want, where they want" using channels of their choice.  or acquiring them from a company or Partner with the
         Customers are increasingly focused and able to compare  technology players". Being very clear about these specific
         offerings and prices with competitors in an instant.  capabilities, allows insurers to align the entire organization
                                                              on what truly matters to the customers and build a powerful
         Technology is creating a wealth of new possibilities; the advent  engine of growth.

          20  The Insurance Times, March 2022
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