Page 24 - Insurance Times March 2022
P. 24

Taking the example in case of an Auto or Life insurer for policy  lacking the understanding of comprehensive needs; or,
         acquisition or policy servicing, gamification can be used to  if they do understand the customer, they fail to integrate
         guide the customer in their buying process for comparison  these insights into the product development process.
         where they the customers can rate their risk on a scale based
                                                              Y  Overloaded Portfolio: Nowadays many insurers are
         on their need analysis and through this process, the customer
                                                                 focusing on low priority initiatives to clog their innovation
         can be given options on the products suitable for them which  and development pipeline, straining company resources
         can help improve customer experience and brand awareness.
                                                                 and blocking the progress of worthy ideas. Some
                                                                 products are developed despite a lack of impact and
                                                                 business value.
                                                              Y  Market Risks: Very few insurers test product innovation
                                                                 during development, exposing themselves to the risk of
                                                                 failing to understand market realities. Sandbox testing
                                                                 has created a major impact.
                                                              Y  Technological Risks: At many insurers, outdated legacy
                                                                 systems inhibit innovation. They are focused over
                                                                 traditional methods which are out of market. Even after
                                                                 products are developed, there is a failure to consider
         Fig 3.1: Gamification use (Source: Pacific Life Re)
                                                                 needed go-to-market capabilities and the likely response
                                                                 of other partners in the ecosystem, as well as
                                                              Y  Inefficient Governance: Insurers get bogged down in
                                                                 nonvalue-added activities and in waiting for decisions
                                                                 that should be made quickly and easily. Poor governance
                                                                 makes it hard to assign responsibility at various stages of
                                                                 the innovation process.
                                                              Y  Resource Constraints and Revenue Generation
         Fig 3.1: Gamification use (Source: Pacific Life Re)     Constraints: Some insurers have the wrong people
                                                                 assigned to innovation and product development, while
         Taking the example of Pacific Life Re, they have used   others fail to cross-train people, making it difficult to
         gamification for the policy buying process with a click to  scale critical capabilities. Key resources can become
         gather format. Essentially such data collection formats will  overloaded, creating bottlenecks in the process.
         take the customer around 30 seconds for each screen and
                                                              Y  Culture and transparency: Not every company has the
         within the 3 minutes, the customer will be able to purchase  right incentives in place to encourage and reward
         the product.
                                                                 innovation. Employees are quick to determine which
                                                                 behaviors and activities are rewarded and which are
         Customer Engagement is crucial for the insurer as both brand
                                                                 ignored, or worse.
         awareness as well as the sales is directly impacted. Innovation
         and investment in this is a definite need for an insurer to
         increase their market share.                         Results and Discussion
                                                              The focus over innovation must be from the customer side.
         Challenges Inhibiting Insurers                       The achievable target state would embrace a combination

         Insurers who are seeking to accelerate the pace of product  of many, if not all, of the friction-busting tactics. It will not be
         innovation is facing many challenges including the difficulty  a destination, but an ongoing journey. In the future paradigm,
         of forecasting customer demand; the barriers posed by  insurers could deliver:
         regulatory compliance; and the need to set prices at the
         right levels. The challenges faced by insurers are:  The techniques of Seamless distribution can be done by
         Y   Unable to identify Customer Needs: Many insurers are  aligning with adjacent industries to help stream alternative

          24  The Insurance Times, March 2022
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