Page 31 - Insurance Times March 2022
P. 31

As these and hundreds of other examples illustrate, strategic  Causes of Corporate failures
         missteps can often have dire consequences. To some extent,
         this is the nature of business competition and can never be
         eliminated, but understanding the contributing factors in
         critically failed strategies and recognizing the warning signs
         can help companies spot flawed moves and attempt to
         course correct before failures become fatal.                Not All Failures Are Created Equal

                                                              A sophisticated understanding of failure’s causes and
                                                              contexts will help to avoid the blame game and institute an
                                                              effective strategy for learning from failure. Although an
                                                              infinite number of things can go wrong in organizations,
                                                              mistakes fall into four broad categories.

                                                              1. Strategic Failures
                                                              When companies fail, blame is usually laid squarely on
                                                              executives for making two common mistakes: First, they
                                                              focused on the company’s historical performance and
                                                              ignored what was happening in the wider market; and
                                                              second, they were reluctant to dump a strategy that was
         Until 2017, Carillion was one of the largest contractors for  not working until it was too late.
         U.K. government infrastructure projects, employing 43,000
         people worldwide. But despite such impressive figures, the  There are several other reasons that poor strategic
         report found that Carillion’s business model was an  direction is allowed to continue. In many cases, companies
         “unsustainable dash for cash” and that it deliberately used  fail to learn from the experiences of others. “Organizations
         aggressive accounting policies to present a rosier picture to  tend to have this bizarre belief that the same problems won’t
         the markets. Its cash flow, for example, relied on stringing  hit them—especially if the company is in a different industry
         suppliers along for months. A succession of directors  sector—or that they are capable of dealing with them
         maintained the image of a healthy and successful company  differently and successfully,” said Mark Brown, vice president
         by increasing dividend payments year-over-year, irrespective  and senior risk practitioner at enterprise risk management
         of company performance. In fact, more was paid out in  software provider Sword Active Risk.
         dividends than the company generated in cash. For years,
                                                              Executives also often fail to fully appreciate what risk
         the board helped maintain a “deluded” sense of optimism
                                                              management can actually do. “Most organizations say that
         even though the company was “crying out for help.
                                                              they have an enterprise-wide risk management system in
                                                              operation, but relatively few have full executive buy-in or
         At the time of its collapse, Carillion left a pension liability
                                                              an acceptance from boards that they are ultimately
         of around £2.6 billion (about $3.31 billion) and owed
                                                              responsible for it,” Brown said. “As a result, there is a
         around £2 billion to its 30,000 suppliers, sub-contractors,
                                                              disconnect about what executives should be doing and a
         and creditors. The company went into liquidation in January
                                                              false view that the risk management function prevents all
         2018 with liabilities of nearly £7 billion ($8.9 billion) and just  risks.”
         £29 million ($37 million) in cash. The subsequent furor
         prompted the U.K.’s corporate governance regulator, the  Personality can also have a sizeable impact on the direction
         Financial Reporting Council, to request greater powers to  of a company. According to Val Jonas, CEO at software firm
         investigate and prosecute all directors. Currently, it is limited  Risk Decisions, “executive ego” can play a major part in
         to pursuing only those with an auditing, accounting, or  preventing risk management (and others) from challenging
         actuarial background (meaning finance directors, for the  boardroom decision-making and the rationale underpinning
         most part).                                          corporate strategy. Jet Airways’ fall is a story of the fall of

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