Page 34 - Insurance Times March 2022
P. 34

Savvy managers understand the risks of unbridled toughness.  reinforce a culture that counteracts the blame game and
         They know that their ability to find out about and help resolve  makes people feel both comfortable with and responsible
         problems depends on their ability to learn about them. But  for surfacing and learning from failures. They should insist
         most managers I’ve encountered in my research, teaching,  that their organizations develop a clear understanding of
         and consulting work are far more sensitive to a different risk—  what happened—not of “who did it”—when things go
         that an understanding response to failures will simply create  wrong. This requires consistently reporting failures, small
         a lax work environment in which mistakes multiply.   and large; systematically analyzing them; and proactively
                                                              searching for opportunities to experiment.
         This common worry should be replaced by a new paradigm—
         one that recognizes the inevitability of failure in today’s
                                                              The reason: Those managers were thinking about failure the
         complex work organizations. Those that catch, correct, and  wrong way.
         learn from failure before others do will succeed. Those that
         wallow in the blame game will not.
         Conclusion                                           X  Sources: From Neil Hodge (is a U.K.-based journalist who
                                                                 often covers risk management) Article in Risk
         The wisdom of learning from failure is incontrovertible. Yet  Management Magazine
         organizations that do it well are extraordinarily rare. This  X  Sources: Data extract from the article https://
         gap is not due to a lack of commitment to learning.
         Managers in most enterprises genuinely wanted to help
         their organizations learn from failures to improve future  X  Sources: A version of this article appeared in the April
                                                                 2011 issue of Harvard Business Review.
         performance. In some cases, they and their teams had
         devoted many hours to after-action reviews, postmortems,  2011/04/strategies-for-learning-from-failure.
         and the like. But time after time we see that these  X  Sources:
         painstaking efforts led to no real change.
         Building a Learning Culture: Only leaders can create and  X  Pictures:

                                              Mr Parihar takes over charge as

                                                new CRM, Oriental Insurance,

                                                                    Jaipur RO

                                            Shri Suraj Kumar Parihar has taken over the charge of Jaipur Regional Office of
                                            Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. as a Chief Regional Manager.
                                            Shri Suraj Kumar Parihar joined the General Insurance Industry in the year
                                            1990 as an assistant in the Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. He became the
                                            Regional Manager in the year 2019 and took over the charge of Chief Regional
                                            manager office Vadodara of Oriental Insurance Company ltd.

                 Suraj Kumar Parihar        Mr Parihar is customer centric and believes in providing fast and efficient
                  Chief Regional Manger     customer service.  He also motivates other service providers such as insurance
              Oriental Insurance Company Ltd.  surveyors, advocates and investigators to understand the problems of the
                   Jaipur Regional Office   insured and provide timely service.
                                            Mr Parihar is very dynamic and efficient task master and we hope under his
            able leadership Oriental Insurance Company Jaipur Regional Office will reach to new heights.

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