Page 41 - Insurance Times March 2022
P. 41






         Outsourcing or the third-party risk is voted as the  collateral management, clearing and settlements. However,
         top 5 risks by a poll on Top 10 Operational Risks    the approach has gradually extended to entire value chain
         for 2021 conducted by                      spanning across vast range of industries and functions such
                                                              as pharmacy management system, bookkeeping,
                                                              accounting, claim processing, shipping etcetera. Since it first
         “It has never been more crucial for operational risk
                                                              gained momentum and popularity as a management tool,
         managers to take account of their company’s          outsourcing has been more than just a strategy to cut costs
         critical and core third-party service providers,”    to building strategic partnerships that adds more value to
         says an operational risk executive at a North        the firm where the focus of the firm is realigned to core
         American bank. “The risk they can expose to a        systems and portfolios to remain competitive and as far as
         company and its potential impact to daily business   possible offload all tasks that can be entrusted to non-
         operations has never been greater.”                  competing third parties.

                                                              With all the benefits that outsourcing has to offer, there are
                                                              significant risks that arise while associating with a third-party
         For good reasons, the acceptability of businesses to  vendor. One such leading risks are the operational risks
         outsource IT functions has risen dramatically in recent years.  associated with delivery or performance not at par with the
         Outsourcing has been mainstreaming in the back office for  expectations, data theft and breaches, Intellectual Property (IP)
         a long-time covering fund administration, transfer agency,  thefts, unethical code of conduct and violation of firm’s and
                                                              outsourced country’s law, example patient data leak covered
                              Author                          under HIPPA law and external factors such as breakdown of

           Deepali Venkatesh Gawda                            infrastructure or disaster. Such risks can be managed and
                                                              mitigated by effective operational risk management.

                                                                          The Insurance Times, March 2022 41
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