Page 44 - Insurance Times March 2022
P. 44

Organizational Risk Management                              one standardized way to mitigate operational risks.
                                                                     The guiding principle would be to know where the
         Framework:                                                  operational risk is coming from and accordingly

                                                                     mitigation measures can be used. The mitigation
                                                                     procedures should be well documented and should
                                                                     be reviewed from time to time. Some of the
                                                                     outsourcing operational risk mitigation measures
                                                                     can be – For example if the master code is erased
                                                                     during deployment then such losses can be
                                                                     mitigated by ensuring that adequate back-ups are
                                                                     maintained, and tight approval protocols are
                                                                     established. Proper training and string internal
                                                                     audit procedures as well as proper monitoring will
                                                                     help mitigate operational risks that arise due to
                                                                     people related issues.

                                                              Stages in Developing an ORM framework:
                                                              a) Governance & Organization: ORM function design,
                                                                 committee oversight, detailed roles and responsibilities,
                                                                 resource requirements.
                                                              b) Strategy & Objectives:  ORM goals, design ORM
         Figure 1: ORM Framework                                 framework, capabilities and skills, development
                                                              c)  Policies: ORM policy design, integration with other
         a) Risk Identification:                                 policies and standards
             Y   The detection of any event that potentially triggers
                                                              d) ORM tools and Processes: Data loss governance,
                 a material-business-impact, or which represents a  alignment with strategic planning and accounting
                 risk-profile modification, must be done as-early-as-
                 possible and could be initiated by - key Risk Indicator  e) Supporting Systems: Business requirements, Vendor
                 breaches, new regulatory requirement, offshore  selection, Change management
                 audit finding, new product or project.       f)  Measures and Reporting: KRI, Internal ORM reporting
         b) Risk Measurement:                                    flows, External ORM disclosure requirements
             Y   Once risks are identified then it can be measured
                 using impact and likelihood scale.           Conclusion:
         c) Risk Reporting:                                   To Conclude, the way a firm manages its outsourcing
                                                              activities says a lot about their business. Having a good hold
             Y   This helps to enhance senior management      on outsourcing is necessary to mitigate associated threats
                 awareness of any lingering risks.
                                                              and vulnerabilities ranging from the operational impact of
         d) Risk Monitoring & Mitigation:                     third-party failures to the reputational impact of poor work

             Y   Monitoring - While some activities or processes can  practices of third parties. But it also sets the standard by
                 be monitored on real-time or daily basis some may  which third parties will perceive the organization and
                 have to be monitored at less frequent intervals. This  managed effectively, could open the door to strategic
                 frequency should reflect the frequency of    opportunities emanating from positive cost-reduction and
                 occurrences of operational-risk failures and severity  innovation. Organizations that lose control of their
                 of losses – For example scope governance of a  management of outsourcing face heightened regulatory
                 requirement being developed will have to be  scrutiny, reputational damage and, ultimately, consumer
                 monitored ones in a month and monitoring of  backlash.
                 critical bugs is required daily.

             Y   Mitigation - This is the last but most important step Reference:
                 in operational risk management. There may not be  Various Sources. T

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