Page 8 - Insurance Times March 2022
P. 8



         IRDAI proposes to make             formation on the policyholder's respon-  the insurers should arrange for ad-
                                            sibilities while porting their policies,  equate number of public and private
         policyholders less account-        apart from the sequence of steps to be  sector network providers across all ge-
         able while porting health          followed. The proposed changes may  ographies to provide cashless facility.
                                            make policyholders less accountable  Goyal said, "The main focus of health
                                            while porting. The insurers have a re-  insurance is to provide cashless facili-
         Soon, insurers may be solely responsible  sponsibility as they have to increase due  ties to policyholders in dire situations.
         for collecting the policyholder's claims  diligence," Kamdar said.    However, due to non-availability of net-
         information from the existing insurer                                 work hospitals, policyholders suffer
                                            The guidelines have also prescribed a
         after porting of a health policy. As a re-                            losses. Hence, this mandate further sig-
         sult, insurers will not be able to deny  period of five days from the receipt of  nifies the importance of health insur-
                                            the portability form for the port-in in-
         claims on the grounds of non-disclosure.                              ance and Ensure high reliability of cus-
         Also, insurers will have to search the  surer to obtain all necessary informa-  tomers' insurance policies."
                                            tion from the existing insurer.
         policyholder's essential medical and                                  IRDA has proposed these amendments
         claims history from the existing insurer  Naval Goel, Founder and CEO,
                                                                               in the regulation in consultation with
         within five working days of receipt of said that by making port-
                                                                               the Insurance Advisory Committee. The
         the portability form.              ability a time-bound process, IRDAI
                                                                               draft is under review and IRDA has
         The changes proposed by IRDAI are  aims to ensure that policyholders' re-  asked stakeholders to share their feed-
         aimed at making policyholders less ac-  quests are not pending for an undefined  back.
         countable while porting their health  period.
         insurance policies.                "Since portability is quite a common  IRDAI wants insurers at par
         Nikhil Kamdar, appointed actuary of  trend in health insurance and it was  with banks on legal re-
         Digit Insurance, said as per the pro-  mainly done manually, which you would
         posed guidelines, insurers would be re-  consume for at least 15 days or more, course for surety bonds
         sponsible for obtaining the        this order was quite necessary. During  IRDAI has taken up the issue of insurers
         policyholder's past claims history from  this course, policyholders We were  being treated at par with banks when
         the existing insurer. Previously, it was  never sure whether they would get a  it comes to recovery recourse available
         the responsibility of the insured to dis-  new policy or not and if they did not get  to them for the surety bond business
         close these details to the new insurer,  health insurance from the new insurer,  and the government has reacted posi-
         and future claims could be rejected if  it would put them in a difficult position.  tively to the concerns of the industry,
         such details were not explicitly shared  However, this will not happen with  said TL Almelu, member, Non-Life, Irdai.
         at the time of porting.            these new draft amendments," Goyal  Speaking at a seminar, Alamelu said,
                                            said. said.
         "Furthermore, insurers have been ad-                                  "Recently we had come with surety
         vised to publish on their website all in-  In addition, IRDA has also proposed that  bond guidelines for which there is huge

           8  The Insurance Times, March 2022
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