Page 9 - Insurance Times March 2022
P. 9

demand. However, we do understand  of a second party (the principal) to a  The International Financial Services
         the concerns raised by the insurers that  third party (the obligee).  Centre (IFSC) in Gift City is deemed as a
         they should have a recourse to recov-                                 foreign territory, although it is located
         ery on par with the banks. This aspect Irdai raises concern over      on Indian soil. "The Indian government
         has been taken up with the government  govt move                      wants exchanges, depositories at IFSC
         and I can tell you that they have re-                                 to have an Indian flavour and have a
         acted extremely positively on the issue  The insurance regulator has raised cor-  diversified shareholding that is preva-
         of trying to keep insurers at par with  porate governance concerns over the  lent in exchanges of the mainboard. As
         banks in the IBC code."            government's move to appoint one per-  part of this, there was a proposal where
                                            son as chairman of two state-run insur-  LIC could acquire 15% in India INX or
         The general insurance companies are
                                            ers.                               NSE IFSC (NSE's GIFT situated ex-
         seeking changes in Indian Contract Act
         and Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code  The government had sought Insurance  change), but the regulator has raised
         (IBC) to bring surety bonds at par with  Regulatory and Development Author-  an objection," one of the two people
         bank guarantees when it comes to re-  ity of India's (Irdai) approval to appoint  cited above said, seeking anonymity.
         course available to them in case of a  Anjan Dey as acting chairman of New  Two exchanges are located at GIFT City-
         default.                           India Assurance, a charge he already  India INX and NSE International Ex-
                                            holds at New Delhi-based Oriental In-  change. They are units of BSE Ltd and
         The finance minister in her Budget  surance.
         speech this year had said that surety                                 National Stock Exchange of India Ltd.
         bonds can be used as a substitute for  "The regulator has also cited section  India INX's only other big shareholder is
         bank guarantees for government pro-  203 of the Companies Act, expressing  ICICI Bank, which owns about 10%
         curement in order to reduce the indi-  its disapproval," said a person in the  stake.
         rect cost for suppliers and work contrac-  know. Irdai did not respond to ET's  Recently, State Bank of India also an-
         tors. The insurance industry had hailed  email.                       nounced a plan to acquire a 9.95% stake
         this as a very positive move as this will  Irdai shared its concerns last week af-  in India International Clearing Corp.
         give a big boost to project financing with  ter the government sought its formal  (IFSC) Ltd.
         overall improvement in project viabil-  nod for the appointment. Section 203  According to the Insurance Regulatory
         ity.                               of the Companies Act says a whole-time  and Development Authority of India

         However, insurers are seeking legal re-  managerial personnel shall not hold of-  (Irdai)'s interpretation, the GIFT or IFSC
         course against defaulting contractors  fice in more than one company except  is a foreign jurisdiction, and thus com-
         to whom the surety bonds are issued.  in its subsidiary.              panies in IFSC are outside India, said the
         Interestingly, the working group, which  This can be allowed if it is approved by a  second person, also requesting anonym-
         the insurance regulator had formed to  resolution with consent of all the  ity.
         study the viability of the surety bonds  company's board of directors. "There  "No insurer shall directly or indirectly
         business, had recommended a robust  has been no such resolution passed by  invest outside India the funds of the
         legislation for surety bonds and other  either Oriental or New India Assur-  policyholders," according to Section
         non-fund-based guarantees as a neces-  ance," the executive quote above said.  27E of the Insurance Act 2015.
         sary condition for them to be intro-                                  In the case of LIC, the funds belonging
         duced.                             IRDAI red-flags LIC invest-        to policyholders and shareholders are
         "Surety bonds may also be included in ment in IFSC                    not bifurcated, which has complicated
         other Acts such as Insolvency and Bank-  Life Insurance Corp. of India's (LIC's) bid  the problem.
         ruptcy code, 2016 and given equivalent  to buy 15% in India International Ex-  "The exchanges have made some rep-
         status as bank guarantees to ensure  change (IFSC) Ltd (India INX), a stock  resentations to the regulator and LIC,
         speedy and effective resolution and  exchange located in Gujarat's GIFT City,  stating that the exchanges are set up
         enforcement of indemnity by surety  has been blocked by the insurance regu-  under India's Companies Act, 2013, so
         providers", it had said.           lator over a clause in the Insurance Act  technically they are Indian companies
         A surety bond is a three-party contract  that bars insurers from acquiring over-  and not overseas entities. However, the
         by which one party (the surety) guar-  seas companies, two people directly  regulator has not accepted this argu-
         antees the performance or obligations  aware of the matter said.      ment," said the first person. T
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