Page 11 - Banking Finance February 2023
P. 11


          The RBI pointed out that in an earlier  According to Rajan, while cash trans-  functioning is critical for the uninter-
          affidavit dated July 17, 2017, it had said  actions are free, merchants do pay fees  rupted availability of essential banking
          that of the 23 recommendations of the  to  cash-management companies for  services to the real economy.
          Committee, it was in principle agree-  handling of notes. He said several com-
                                                                               Banks classified as D-SIBs are subjected
          able to seven.                    panies have signed up for accepting
                                                                               to additional common equity tier 1
                                            payments in eRupees and these in-
          It further said that recourse to the In-                             (CET1) capital requirements in addition
                                            clude oil marketing companies, Reli-
          solvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC),                                  to the capital conservation buffer. The
                                            ance Retail and Natural Ice Cream.
          2016, and the amended provisions of                                  additional CET 1 requirement as a per-
          the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, in-                                centage of Risk Weighted Assets for SBI
          troduced through the Banking Regula- Reserve Bank floats paper       stands at 0.6 per cent, and 0.20 per
          tion (Amendment) Ordinance, 2017,                                    cent each for ICICI and HDFC Bank, RBI
                                            on credit-loss provisions
          "enabled the Reserve Bank to effec-                                  said.
                                            The  Reserve  Bank of India (RBI)  is
          tively introduce measures to address
                                            working on a set of guidelines for ex-  The additional CET1 requirement for
          the resolution of stressed assets".
                                            pected credit-loss provisions for banks  D-SIBs was phased-in from April 1,
                                                                               2016 and became fully effective from
                                            to align its rules with the global regu-
          eRupee  can't  be  turned
                                            latory framework.                  April 1, 2019.
          into cash directly, for now                                          The RBI had issued the framework for
                                            In a discussion paper released, the cen-
          The  central  bank  digital  currency                                dealing with Domestic Systemically
                                            tral bank said banks can have their own
          (CBDC), or the eRupee, cannot be con-                                Important Banks in July 2014. It re-
                                            models to measure expected  credit-
          verted currently into cash and vice                                  quires to disclose the banks designated
                                            loss provisions but must independently
          versa. The RBIwill only issue eRupees                                as D-SIBs since 2015 and place them
                                            verify them using sound reasoning and
          against bank deposits and allow digital                              in buckets depending on Systemic Im-
                                            relevant data available with the bank,
          currency conversion into cash.                                       portance  Scores.  The  RBI  had  an-
                                            besides carrying out a proper back-
          According to  the central bank, the  testing to remove bias.         nounced SBI and ICICI Bank as D-SIBs
                                                                               in 2015 and 2016. As on March  31,
          eRupee pilot project has progressed
                                            However,  RBI  may still  prescribe  a
          quite satisfactorily in a closed-user                                2017, HDFC Bank was also classified as
                                            threshold on the provisions on the ba-
                                                                               a D-SIB. The current update is based
          group  and  the  number of  users is
                                            sis of comprehensive  data analysis
          gradually rising. Addressing an event at                             on bank data as on March 31, 2022,
                                            even after a bank conducts an internal
          the Indian Merchants' Chamber, Anuj                                  the RBI said.
                                            assessment. Currently, banks are man-
          Ranjan, chief general manager at RBI's
                                            dated to make loan loss provisions
          fintech department, said the central  based on incurred losses, which till re- RBI  proposes  expected
          bank will bear costs relating to eRupee
                                            cently,  used  to be the standard glo-
          as it will be part of the RBI's liabilities                          loss-based approach for
                                            bally. Under the system, banks would
          just like currency.
                                            provide for the losses incurred.   provisioning by banks
          Ajay Rajan, country head for transac-                                The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) pro-
          tion banking at Yes Bank, said that the                              posed a framework for adoption of an
                                            SBI, ICICI, HDFC Bank re-
          bank has already  made  the digital                                  'expected loss-based' approach for pro-
          wallet available for download on the main systemically impor-        visioning by banks.
          Apple  App  Store  and  Google  Play
                                            tant banks: RBI                    Presently, banks are required to make
          Store. "The installation of the digital
                                            The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) said  loan loss provisions based on an 'in-
          wallet can be done only by customers
                                            State Bank of India, ICICI Bank and  curred loss' approach, which used to
          of the bank as we have restricted the
                                            HDFC Bank continue to remain Domes-  be the standard globally till recently.
          app to  SIM numbers that are regis-
                                            tic Systemically Important Banks (D-  "To further enhance the resilience of
          tered with the bank. However, once it
                                            SIBs).                             the banking system, Reserve Bank pro-
          is installed, customers can add digital
          rupees to the wallet from any bank,"  SIBs are perceived as ones that are  poses to amend the prudential regula-
          he said.                          'Too Big To Fail' and their continued  tions governing loan loss provisioning
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