Page 12 - Banking Finance February 2023
P. 12


          by banks to incorporate the more for-  ward, can be an area for greater co-  Crediwatch Information Analytics solu-
          ward  looking expected credit losses  operation in future. In his speech, the  tion 'Crediwatch EWS' is an early warn-
          approach as against the extant 'in-  governor highlighted the risks of high  ing system for credit monitoring and
          curred loss' approach," the RBI said in  inflation and debt in the region. The  fraud identification that looks at data
          the discussion paper on expected loss  IMF conference was on  the current  across public and private data sources
          (EL)-based approach for loan loss pro-  macroeconomic challenges  faced by  to uncover early signs of trouble for
          visioning by banks.               South Asia.                        commercial borrowers, per a central
                                                                               bank statement.
          The impact of adopting the forward  "The other initiative, together with the
          looking expected credit loss approach  government, is the rupee settlement  The  product  of  enStage  Software
          to estimating loss provisions, is likely to  of international trade. We are already  (Wibmo)'s product 'Trident FRM' is a
          result in excess provisions as compared  in discussion with some of the countries  risk-based authentication  solution
          to shortfall in provisions.       in this region and to facilitate rupee  aimed at providing frictionless (without
                                            settlement of cross-border trade in the  OTP) transaction experience for low
          The key requirement under the pro-
                                            South Asian region," Das said.     value transactions based on risk assess-
          posed framework shall be for the banks
                                                                               ment of users, RBI said.
          to classify financial assets (primarily  "Multiple external shocks in the form
          loans, including irrevocable loan com-  of Covid-related global supply chain
          mitments, and investments classified as  disruptions, food and energy crisis fol- RBI to audit 9,500 NBFCs
          held-to-maturity or available-for-sale)  lowing the war in Ukraine, and finan-
                                                                               to check on levels of com-
          into one of the three categories - Stage  cial market volatility arising from the
          1, Stage 2, and Stage 3, depending upon  aggressive monetary policy tightening
          the assessed credit losses on them, at  have exerted sustained price pressures  The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is likely
          the time of initial recognition as well as  in the South  Asian economies," said  to engage the services of external au-
          on each subsequent reporting date and  Das. He added that in the first three  ditors to audit majority of the 9,500-
          make necessary provisions.        quarters of 2022, food price inflation  odd non-banking finance companies
                                            in South Asia averaged more than 20%.  (NBFCs) to delve into their operations
          As per the norms, banks will be allowed
                                                                               and check whether their registered
          to design and implement their own
          models for measuring expected credit RBI opens sandbox to 6          office is at the place mentioned in
                                                                               their  application  for  registration,
          losses for the purpose of estimating
                                            firms to test anti-fraud so-       among others.
          loss provisions in line with the proposed
          principles.                                                          Failure of certain NBFCs due to idiosyn-
                                            The Reserve Bank of India has selected  cratic factors and several digital lend-
          India, neighbors in talks         six  entities,  including  Bahwan  ers violating extant regulations and
                                            Cybertek,  Crediwatch  Information  guidelines on outsourcing and Fair
          for cross-border Rs trade:
                                            Analytics  and  HSBC,  for  the  'Test  Practices Code may be the trigger the
          RBI guv                           Phase' under regulatory sandbox for  aforementioned  audit,  according to
                                            the theme 'Prevention and Mitigation  industry sources.
          RBI governor Shaktikanta Das has said
                                            of Financial Frauds'.
          the central bank is in talks with South                              The RBI cancelled the certificate of
          Asian countries for cross-border trade  The selected entities will commence  registration (CoR) of 3,110 NBFCs be-
          in rupees. The RBI is also looking to  testing of their products from February  tween FY15 and FY22, with the larg-
          reduce the cost of cross-border remit-  2023.                        est number of cancellations (1,851)
          tances by linking them with the Unified                              being in FY19. As on October 1, 2022,
                                            RBI said Bahwan Cybertek's solution
          Payments Interface (UPI).                                            the CoRs of 5,451  NBFCs were can-
                                            'rt360 Real Time Monitoring System'
                                                                               celled by the central bank.
          Delivering the keynote address at the  provides a comprehensive surveillance
          IMF conference in Delhi, Das said that  mechanism for monitoring transactions  The proposed audit exercise could lead
          the  central  bank  digital  currency  and events from loan accounts on a  to cancellation of CoRs of more NBFCs
          (CBDC), where the RBI has moved for-  continuous and real time basis.  in FY24.

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