Page 17 - Banking Finance January 2022
P. 17


         Co-Operative Bank


         RBI Governor, PM signal            stitutions that are offering higher inter-  come out with new governance guide-
                                            est rates which are viable, but deposi-  lines for commercial banks and we
         reforms in trouble-prone           tors should always be very careful," he  have constituted a committee for

         urban co-operative banks           reiterated at an event to mark the  bringing about reforms in the urban
         Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor  payment of nearly Rs. 1,300 crore to  co-operative sector. That report has
         Shaktikanta Das indicated that the  over 1 lakh depositors whose funds  been received and we will be taking
         banking regulator will ring in sweeping  were stuck in distressed banks for years.  action based on it," he said,
         regulatory changes to reform urban co-  Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who
         operative banks that have been     personally handed over deposit insur-  Saraswat Bank chairman,
         plagued by a spate of failures, and  ance cheques to a few bank custom-
         warned people against parking their  ers whose savings with distressed  seven more booked in
         savings in banks offering high returns.  banks had been out of reach for years,  cheating case in Pune
         While terming the government's deci-  said that an additional three lakh de-  The Pune Police have registered a
         sion to raise the insured limit for bank  positors would get their hard-earned  cheating case against eight persons
         deposits to Rs. 5 lakh from Rs. 1 lakh  savings, stuck in other banks, soon.  including Saraswat Bank Chairman
         with a 90-day time limit to pay out such  "When the RBI will oversee co-opera-  Gautam Thakur and Managing Direc-
         deposits as 'landmark' developments,  tive banks' functioning, this will also  tor Smita Sandhane, based on an or-
         Mr. Das stressed that the payment of  raise depositors' confidence further. We  der from a judicial magistrate court.
         Deposit Insurance should be seen as a  have created a new Co-operatives Min-  "We have registered a cheating case
         'measure of last resort'.          istry (referring to the Co-operation  against Saraswat Bank Chairman and

         "I would like to mention in all this is  Ministry). The idea is to strengthen the  seven other people based on a Court
         that the depositors themselves must  co-operative system and will empower  order. The investigation is currently
         also be very discerning. It is very im-  co-operative banks further," Mr Modi  on," Senior Police Inspector Mahendra
         portant to keep in mind that higher  said, noting that these problems af-  Jagtap of Kothrud Police station told
         returns are usually associated with  flicted co-operative banks more.  Moneycontrol on 27 December.
         higher risks. Just because a bank is of-  Mr. Das said the central bank keeps  According to reports, Smita Sameer
         fering higher interest, the depositors  depositors' interests on top while deal-  Patil, a resident of Kothrud, filed a
         should be very careful in putting their  ing with policy challenges and will con-  complaint with the local police station
         money in chasing such high returns,"  tinue to ensure that the entire bank-  following which an FIR was registered
         the RBI Governor noted.            ing system remains robust.         against Saraswat Bank Chairman
         "I am not generalising. There are in-  "Just to give an example, we have  Gautam Thakur, Managing Director

            BANKING FINANCE |                                                             JANUARY | 2022 | 17
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