Page 14 - Banking Finance January 2022
P. 14


         strengthening of runways, among    components manufacturing and display  Overseas workers sending money into
         other activities.                  fabrication (fab) units over the next six  India are also losing money. Over the
         "Three Public-Private Partnership (PPP)  years.                       past five years, money lost to exchange
         airports at Delhi, Hyderabad and   This is part of Modi government's bid  rate margins on inward remittances
                                                                               has grown from Rs 4,200 crore to Rs
         Bengaluru have undertaken major ex-  to make the country a hub for elec-
                                                                               7,900 crore. Meanwhile, fees paid to
         pansion plan to the tune of Rs 30,000  tronics. The nod comes almost a year
                                                                               transaction costs have grown from Rs
         crore by 2025.                     after the govt sought expressions of
                                                                               10,200 crore in 2016 to Rs 14,000
                                            interest from companies to this effect.
                                                                               crore in 2020.
         Low duties can boost EV            The ministry of electronics & IT
         demand: BMW                        (MeitY) will now work out the granu-  India received remittances
                                            lar details and invite applications.
         BMW believes that reduction in import                                 worth $87 billion in 2021:
         duties on electric vehicles (EV) for a  The new semiconductor policy will help
         limited time or for a limited number of  deepen India's manufacturing base, a  World Bank
         units will help create demand in order  senior government official had told  India, the world's largest recipient of
         to help manufacturing of such vehicles  prior to the approval.        remittances, received USD 87 billion in
         in India and bring new technologies                                   2021 with the United States being the
         quicker to the country, according to a  Indians paid Rs.9,700 crore   biggest source, accounting for over 20
         senior company official.           in hidden forex fees               per cent of these funds, according to
         The company, which has been manu-  Indians paid nearly Rs.9,700 crore in  the World Bank.
         facturing locally many of its vehicles  the form of fees hidden in inflated ex-  India is followed by China, Mexico, the
         sold in India for the last 15 years, con-  change rates while making remit-  Philippines, and Egypt, the Washing-
         siders creating demand is key to   tances in 2020. This is more than a  ton-based global lender said in its re-
         localisation of manufacturing.     third (36%) of the total fees of Rs  port released.
         "What we always do is we create de-  26,300 crore that Indians paid for send-  In India, remittances are projected to
         mand for a model and then localise it.  ing money across their country's bor-  grow three per cent in 2022 to USD
         We believe these new technologies                                     89.6 billion, reflecting a drop in over-
         also have a potential to be localised in  The fees reflect a lack of transparency  all migrant stock, as a large proportion
         future but you need to create a mass  and high charges applied by banks on  of returnees from the Arab countries
         demand for that critical mass (for lo-  remittances. Banks have been reduc-  await return, it said.
         cal manufacturing to be viable)," BMW  ing the fees on foreign remittances
                                                                               "Flows to India (the world's largest
         Group India President and CEO Vikram  and their income under this head fell
         Pawah told.                        from Rs 15,017 crore in 2016 to Rs  recipient of remittances) are expected
                                                                               to reach USD 87 billion, a gain of 4.6
         The only way to do that, according to  12,142 crore in 2019. However, they  per cent with the severity of COVID-19
         him, is to fast track it, create the de-  have protected themselves by recover-  caseloads and deaths during the sec-
         mand before the infrastructure devel-  ing Rs 4,422 crore through exchange  ond quarter (well above the global
         ops or create the demand which will  mark-up in 2020, which was up from Rs  average) playing a prominent role in
         create the infrastructure.         2,505 crore in 2016.
                                                                               drawing altruistic flows (including for
                                            These figures were from independent  the purchase of oxygen tanks) to the
         Govt announces Rs. 76000           research carried out by Capital Eco-  country," the World Bank report
         crore scheme for chip eco-         nomics in August 2021, which aimed to  stated.
                                            estimate the scale of foreign exchange
         system                             transaction fees in India. The study  Remittances to low- and middle-in-

         The Cabinet cleared the Rs 76,000-cr  was released by Wise, the technology  come countries are projected to
         incentive scheme for semiconductors.  company that was founded with the  have grown a strong 7.3 per cent to
         Under this scheme, India will set up  objective of reducing cross-border re-  reach USD 589 billion in 2021, the bank
         more than 20 semiconductor design,  mittance costs.                   said. T

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