Page 11 - Banking Finance January 2022
P. 11


         decentralised virtual currencies and  Borrowers moving to-            ment, the bank said in a stock ex-
         crypto assets, which are not issued by                                change filing. Both the companies
         the state and lack the 'legal tender'  wards fixed rate loans: RBI    caused fraud in the nature of 'diversion
         status. CBDCs enable the user to con-  chief                          of funds'.
         duct both domestic and cross border  There is a trend among borrowers to  In the case of Capricorn Food Products,
         transactions which do not require a  move towards fixed rate loans even as  the amount involved is of Rs 22.36
         third party or a bank. "Introduction of  the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) moves  crore, while in the case of Raj Events
         CBDC has the potential to provide sig-  towards rebalancing liquidity, accord-  and Entertainment, the fraud amount
         nificant benefits, such as reduced de-  ing to Governor Shaktikanta Das.  involved is of Rs 10.97 crore. Provision
         pendency on cash, higher senior age                                   held against Capricorn Food as of Sep-
         due to lower transaction costs, re-  "I think most of the banks till now have  tember 30, 2021 stood at Rs 8.54 crore
         duced settlement risk. Introduction of  been giving floating interest rate loans.  and of Rs 1.65 crore in the case of Raj
         CBDC would also possibly lead to a  Now, there is a trend of people are  Events and Entertainment, the bank
         more robust, efficient, trusted, regu-  moving towards fixed rate loans," said  said.
         lated and legal tender-based pay-  Das in reply to a question posed by
         ments option. There are also associ-  State Bank of India (SBI) Chairman  Talk of reverse repo rate
         ated risks which need to be carefully  Dinesh Kumar Khara at the SBI Bank-
                                            ing and Economics Conclave         hike is premature
         evaluated against the potential ben-
         efits," Chaudhary said.            Asking banks to be investment-ready  The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) may
                                            when the investment cycle picks up,  deflate the hype around reverse repo
         RBI mulls bond forwards,           the Governor emphasised that giving  hike in the monetary policy by explain-
                                            loans at floating or fixed interest rate  ing the virtues of using reverse repo
         engages with life insurers         is a commercial judgment of banks, and  change as a pure liquidity tool and not
         The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is un-  typically the RBI does not like to enter  a rate tool, according to State Bank of
         derstood to be weighing a proposal to  into those areas.              India's economic research report
         allow 'bond forwards' --- a deal under  "Irrespective of the fact that the liquid-  "Ecowrap".
         which a financial institution can buy a  ity is in surplus, I think risk pricing of
         specific government security for a pre-  the various loans being extended by  It emphasised that delaying
         agreed price at a future date.                                        normalisation measures is prudent in
                                            the banks has to be done diligently by  the current situation which would also
         A forward market that would result in  them.                          give time for economic recovery to
         actual delivery and purchase of sover-                                strengthen further.
                                            "The mere fact that there is excessive
         eign papers would be lapped up by life  liquidity should not lead to any
         insurance companies who would find it  mispricing of loans because this exces-  "We believe the talks of a reverse repo
         easier and less risky while planning  sive liquidity is not going to be a per-  rate hike in the Monetary Policy Com-
         their investments over the years.  manent feature," said Das.         mittee (MPC) meeting may be prema-
                                                                               ture as the RBI has been largely able
         "RBI and the clearing corporation had                                 to narrow the corridor without the
         sounded out some of the insurance Indian Bank reports fraud           noise of rate hikes and ensuing market
         companies on the subject. Most are  of over Rs 33cr to RBI            cacophony," said Soumya Kanti Ghosh,
         interested. Besides helping insurers to                               Group Chief Economic Advisor, SBI.
         lower the risk, a market for bond for-   Indian Bank has reported a fraud of
         wards would deepen the fixed income  more than Rs 33 crore to the Reserve  Reverse repo rate is the interest rate
         market and more importantly partly  Bank, involving two of its accounts that  that banks earn for parking short-term
         support the financing of fiscal deficit,"  turned into NPAs.          surplus liquidity with RBI.
         a senior industry source told ET. CCIL,  Two non-performing loan accounts,  Section 45Z (3) of the amended RBI Act
         or the Clearing Corporation, provides  Raj Events and Entertainment and  of 2016 clearly states that, "The Mon-
         clearing and settlement in money, gov-  Capricorn Food Products India, have  etary Policy Committee shall deter-
         ernment bonds, foreign exchange and  been declared as fraud and reported  mine the policy rate required to
         derivatives.                       to the RBI as per regulatory require-  achieve the inflation target". T

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