P. 20
ited.. A swelling population may have to turn to desaliniza-
tion for their clean water..In addition to depleting resources,
overpopulation increases environmental problems. Pollution
is an environmental problem whose magnitude is increased
by overpopulation.
As more people drive more cars, use more electricity, throw
away more trash, and cut down more trees, the environ-
mental problems we experience are greatly increased.The
earth could easily sustain a small population of highly pol-
luting people. But as more people pollute, massive prob-
lems occur.
our sources dealt primarily with agricultural problems but Pollution is magnified in developing nations. As those na-
all at least touched on environment repercussions.The tions with larger growing populations become richer, their
world's population will soon reach a level where there will pollution increases with their wealth. Developing nations
not be enough resources to sustain life as we know it. often promote industries that pollute to compete economi-
Growth must be checked to avoid this catastrophe. Many cally. These industries are less tightly regulated in order to
environmental, social, and economic problems either stem stimulate growth.Besides causing the environmental strains
from or are increased in magnitude by the overpopulation on the earth, overpopulation causes a large number of the
problem. social problems in today's society. One example of this is
described in the recent study showing that children whose
family sizes were larger did worse in school.
With an exponentially increasing population, the problems Each individual's political power is reduced with
created by overpopulation grow correspondingly. To ensure increased population. As the population increases, each
population stability not only in the increasingly wealthy representative represents a wider segment of the popula-
third-world areas, but also in the industrialized areas, coun- tion. This problem was initially addressed by increasing the
tries and individuals must work together to achieve zero number of representatives.
population growth.
Social funding per capita is also reduced when the popula-
The earth does not contain enough resources to indefinitely tion grows. With this growth in school needs, the state
sustain the current enormous population growth. For in- cannot meet the budget requirements. This has significantly
stance, there is a limited area of arable land and living contributed toward the state's deficit, as well as reduced
space. China, home to 1.2 billion people or 1/5 the world's the quality of education.
population, is an excellent example of the kinds of problems
that arise in an increasingly crowded society. The traffic problems we face daily are another result of
overpopulation.Many people feel that efforts to stop the
In many areas, there is simply not enough food to feed the rising population are unnecessary. They feel the population
growing populations. Each day 40,000 children die from is under control and, in effect, the population bomb has
malnutrition and its related diseases. 150 million children fizzed.
in the world suffer from poor health due to food shortages.
Statistics point toward a severe problem. One in four births
Another resource, which cannot keep up with an increas- in the developing world outside China is unwanted . It took
ing population, is water. The supply of fresh water is lim- 123 years, from 1804 to 1927 for the world to produce its
The internet PR quote “Internet has turned what used to be a controlled, one-way message into a real-time
dialogue with millions.”
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