Page 31 - The Insurance Times October 2024
P. 31

disasters can have devastating consequences, wiping out  transparent, parametric insurance minimizes delays and
          homes and assets in a matter of hours.              enables farmers to reinvest in their fields for the next
                                                              planting season.
          The  Role  of  Inclusive  Insurance  in
                                                              2. Index-Based Livestock Insurance
          Addressing Climate Risks                            In addition to crop insurance, index-based insurance
          In light of these challenges, inclusive insurance has emerged  products have been developed for livestock owners,
          as a vital mechanism for protecting vulnerable populations  particularly in regions where pastoralism is the primary
          from the worst effects of climate change. By providing  livelihood. In East Africa, for example, pastoral communities
          affordable coverage tailored to the needs of low-income  rely heavily on livestock for their income, and droughts can
          individuals, inclusive insurance products help to mitigate the  lead to massive livestock losses.
          financial risks associated with climate-related events.
                                                              To address this, organizations like the International Livestock
          1. Parametric Insurance for Farmers                 Research Institute (ILRI) have introduced index-based
          Parametric insurance, which pays out when predefined  livestock insurance (IBLI). Similar to parametric insurance,
          conditions such as rainfall levels or temperature thresholds  IBLI uses satellite data to monitor vegetation levels, which
                                                              serve as a proxy for pasture availability. When pasture levels
          are met, has gained traction as an innovative solution for
          smallholder farmers facing climate risks. Unlike traditional  drop below a certain threshold, payouts are automatically
          insurance,  parametric  insurance  does  not  require  triggered, allowing livestock owners to purchase fodder and
          policyholders to file claims based on actual losses. Instead,  water for their animals. By providing a financial cushion
          payouts are triggered automatically based on weather data,  during periods of drought, IBLI helps pastoralists avoid
          making the process faster and more efficient.       distress sales of their livestock and maintain their herds until
                                                              conditions improve.
          In Kenya and other parts of sub-Saharan Africa, parametric
          insurance has been a game changer for farmers who are  3. Weather Derivatives and Microinsurance
          increasingly facing drought conditions. Companies like Pula  Beyond agriculture, other sectors are also benefiting from
          and Acre Africa offer parametric insurance products that  climate-related insurance products. In countries like
          provide financial protection against crop failures due to  Bangladesh, weather derivatives are being used to protect
          insufficient rainfall. These products leverage satellite data  coastal fishermen from the impact of cyclones and storm
          to monitor weather conditions and trigger payouts when a  surges. These products, similar to parametric insurance,
          drought  is  detected,  allowing  farmers  to  receive  provide payouts based on predefined weather conditions
          compensation before their crops fail completely.    such as wind speeds or storm intensity.

          In 2024, Pula continues to expand its reach, having insured  Microinsurance products, designed to offer coverage for
          over 6 million farmers across multiple African countries. The  low-value assets at an affordable premium, are also playing
          company's innovative approach has helped farmers maintain  a critical role in protecting vulnerable communities. In 2024,
          their livelihoods even in the face of worsening climate  the microinsurance sector continues to grow, with products
          conditions. By  ensuring that  payouts  are  quick  and  tailored to address the specific risks faced by different
                                                              populations. For example, microinsurance policies for urban
                                                              slum dwellers may cover damages to homes and personal
                                                              belongings caused by flooding or extreme weather events.

                                                              Challenges in Scaling Inclusive Climate
                                                              While inclusive insurance products have demonstrated
                                                              significant potential in protecting vulnerable communities
                                                              from climate risks, scaling these solutions remains a
                                                              challenge. Several barriers must be addressed to ensure that
                                                              climate insurance reaches those who need it most.
                                                              1. Affordability and Accessibility
                                                              One of the primary challenges is affordability. Even though

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