Page 34 - The Insurance Times October 2024
P. 34

quakes, has developed microinsurance solutions to protect  for in-person assessments. IBLI has been especially success-
         vulnerable populations from the financial impacts of natu-  ful in helping pastoralists maintain their herds during peri-
         ral disasters. CARD MBA, a mutual insurance association,  ods of drought, reducing their reliance on emergency aid.
         provides microinsurance to low-income households across
         the country. It offers life insurance, health coverage, and  Challenges: Despite the successes, the affordability of pre-
         disaster insurance, and is known for its community-based  miums remains a significant barrier for many low-income
         approach to distributing insurance products.         farmers. Even with subsidies, many households struggle to
                                                              afford the cost of coverage. Additionally, scaling paramet-
         Successes: The integration of disaster insurance into  ric insurance to cover other types of risks (e.g., health or
         broader microinsurance products has allowed CARD MBA  property loss) has proven difficult due to the lack of reliable
         to provide holistic protection to its members. The mutual  weather data in some regions.
         insurance model, where members are also stakeholders,
         fosters trust and high participation rates. With over 20 mil-  2. Rwanda: Mobile-Based Health Insurance
         lion insured individuals, CARD MBA has been recognized as  In Rwanda, microinsurance products are primarily distrib-
         one of the most successful microinsurance providers in Asia.  uted via mobile platforms. The partnership between MTN
                                                              (a mobile network operator) and MicroEnsure has enabled
         Challenges: One of the main challenges is the high frequency  the delivery of affordable health insurance to low-income
         of natural disasters, which increases the overall claims bur-  users. With premiums deducted directly from mobile wal-
         den on insurers. Sustainability can be threatened if insur-  lets, the model eliminates the need for physical infrastruc-
         ance providers are not adequately reinsured or if premiums  ture and allows for greater accessibility in rural areas.
         are too low to cover catastrophic risks. Additionally, there
         is still a need for more education to improve clients' under-  Successes: Mobile-based insurance has significantly ex-
         standing of microinsurance products.                 panded health coverage in Rwanda, where rural populations
                                                              previously lacked access to affordable health insurance. By
         Microinsurance  in Africa:  Leveraging               integrating with mobile money platforms, insurers have
         Mobile Technology                                    been able to reach millions of previously uninsured individu-
                                                              als. The convenience of mobile payments has also improved
         Africa's microinsurance sector has been defined by the use
                                                              customer retention rates.
         of mobile technology to reach underserved populations. The
         continent has one of the highest rates of mobile phone pen-  Challenges: While mobile-based insurance has broadened
         etration among low-income populations, making mobile plat-
                                                              access, digital literacy remains a challenge in some rural
         forms an ideal channel for delivering insurance products.
                                                              areas. Low-income populations may not fully understand
         Countries such as Kenya, Ghana, and Rwanda have made  how to use mobile wallets or the benefits of insurance.
         significant strides in using mobile platforms to distribute  Moreover, there is a need for more awareness campaigns
         health, life, and agricultural insurance.
                                                              to educate consumers about their coverage options and the
                                                              claims process.
         1. Kenya: Agricultural and Livestock Insurance
         In Kenya, microinsurance has been used to protect farmers
         and pastoralists from climate-related risks. Programs like  Microinsurance in Latin America: Gov-
         Index-Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI) and agricultural ernment Involvement and Community-
         microinsurance provided by Acre Africa offer coverage for  Based Models
         droughts and crop failures. These schemes use parametric
         insurance models, where payouts are triggered by specific  In Latin America, microinsurance has grown significantly, with
         weather conditions (e.g., rainfall levels) rather than actual  governments playing a key role in promoting inclusive insur-
                                                              ance. Countries like Mexico, Colombia, and Peru have imple-
         loss assessments.
                                                              mented government-supported microinsurance programs that
         Successes: Parametric insurance has allowed for faster  target low-income populations, particularly in rural areas.
         payouts, which are critical for farmers and pastoralists fac-
         ing immediate needs after droughts or crop failures. This 1. Mexico: Government-Backed Microinsurance
         model is also less costly for insurers, as it reduces the need  Mexico has developed several microinsurance programs in

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