Page 37 - The Insurance Times October 2024
P. 37

Inclusive Health

          Insurance: Ensuring Access

          to Affordable Healthcare

          for Low-Income


           Access to affordable healthcare remains a critical challenge for low-income and informal sector
           workers worldwide. With rising healthcare costs and the lack of financial safety nets, millions of
           people are forced into poverty each year due to medical expenses.

         A          ccess to affordable healthcare remains a criti- into extreme poverty each year due to out-of-pocket health

                    cal challenge for low-income and informal sec- expenses. This situation is particularly dire in developing
                    tor workers worldwide. With rising healthcare
                                                              countries, where informal sector workers-who represent a
                    costs and the lack of financial safety nets, mil-
                                                              substantial portion of the labor force-often lack access to
          lions of people are forced into poverty each year due to formal healthcare services.
          medical expenses. Inclusive health insurance programs,
          designed to provide affordable healthcare coverage to Informal workers are typically not covered by traditional
          underserved populations, have emerged as essential tools  health insurance programs because they do not have stable
          in addressing this crisis. These programs aim to ensure that  employment contracts or employer-sponsored insurance.
          low-income families and informal sector workers, who of- This leaves them vulnerable to catastrophic healthcare ex-
          ten lack employer-provided health insurance, have access penses, leading to a cycle of poverty. The need for inclusive
          to necessary medical services without incurring financial health insurance programs, which are specifically designed
          ruin.                                               to cover these populations, is therefore urgent.

          This blog explores various inclusive health insurance schemes Government-Led Inclusive Health Insur-
          that have emerged globally, with a special focus on the  ance Programs
          impact of government initiatives like India's Ayushman
          Bharat program. By analyzing the successes and challenges  Government initiatives have played a central role in the
          of these schemes, we can better understand how inclusive  development of inclusive health insurance schemes aimed
                                                              at low-income and informal sector workers. These programs
          health insurance can be scaled to provide affordable
          healthcare for all.                                 often involve public-private partnerships and are subsidized
                                                              by the government to make healthcare coverage affordable.
                                                              Below, we examine some of the most impactful initiatives
          The Healthcare Crisis for Low-Income
          Globally, low-income populations face significant barriers to 1. Ayushman Bharat (India)
          accessing quality healthcare. According to the World Health India's Ayushman Bharat scheme, launched in 2018, is one
          Organization (WHO), over 100 million people are pushed of the largest government-funded health insurance pro-

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