Page 40 - The Insurance Times October 2024
P. 40

Inclusive Insurance -

         Global Landscape :

         Summary of recent


           A report from the Microinsurance Network reveals that inclusive insurance is making strides, but
           challenges remain in terms of scale and reach. The report finds that 330 million individuals are
           covered globally by  inclusive insurance products,  including  health, agriculture,  and property
           insurance. However, despite these advancements, there is still an 88.5% protection gap—only 11.5%
           of the potential market is currently insured.

         A         report from the Microinsurance Network reveals Small, and Medium Enterprises) in V20 countries to climate-

                   that inclusive insurance is making strides, but related risks. The report underscores that MSMEs represent
                   challenges remain in terms of scale and reach. 70% of employment and 40% of GDP in V20 economies, but
                   The report finds that 330 million individuals are less than 15% of MSMEs are insured against climate risks.
          covered globally by inclusive insurance products, including  The lack of protection exposes these businesses to signifi-
          health, agriculture, and property insurance. However, de-  cant losses from natural disasters such as floods and
          spite these advancements, there is still an 88.5% protection droughts.
          gap—only 11.5% of the potential market is currently insured.
          The report highlights that new product innovations, espe-  The report advocates for the development of climate-smart
          cially in health and agricultural insurance, are needed to  insurance solutions, tailored to MSMEs' specific needs. Such
          extend coverage to millions of unprotected people.  insurance could play a pivotal role in building climate resil-
                                                              ience by providing financial protection and reducing liabili-
          Moreover, digital tools and mobile-based platforms have ties for both businesses and governments. In addition, it
          played a critical role in scaling inclusive insurance in devel-  stresses the importance of public-private partnerships and
          oping countries, particularly in rural areas. These tools make  collaboration with financial institutions to enhance the ca-
          it easier for underserved populations to access financial prod-  pacity of MSMEs to manage climate-related risks.
          ucts through mobile wallets, reducing operational costs for
          insurers. Despite this progress, affordability, financial lit-  The Landscape of Microinsurance: Bridg-
          eracy, and weak infrastructure continue to hinder greater  ing Gaps, Building Futures
                                                              This 2023 report by the Microinsurance Network provides a

          Landscape of Climate Risk Insurance So-             comprehensive overview of the microinsurance industry,
                                                              covering 1,040 products offered by 294 insurers across Af-
          lutions for MSMEs in V20 Countries                  rica, Asia, and Latin America. Microinsurance has shown
          The 2024 report by the V20 Sustainable Insurance Facility  immense potential in protecting low-income populations,
          and UNEP focuses on the vulnerability of MSMEs (Micro,  particularly in regions with weak social safety nets. By pro-

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