Page 45 - The Insurance Times October 2024
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By adopting AI-led innovation, insurers can achieve more  Accelerating Insurance with AI - Benefits
         with their efforts for customer value marketing as well as  of Personalization
         responsive customer servicing. While smarter chatbots,
         sentiment analysis  and  real-time claim  tracking  can  As per a May 2024 survey by EY, 82% of large insurers
                                                              (greater than US$25 billion direct premiums written) cite
         rejuvenate  the reactive strategies,  customer loyalty
                                                              productivity gains as a primary driver for implementing
         programs and triggers can help insurers become more
         proactive. Personalized journeys can be delivered through:  GenAI.  Improvement  in  customer  journeys  through
                                                              enhanced productivity will also play a significant role in
             Data-driven customized offers
                                                              boosting loyalty and bottom lines.
             Hyper-personalized campaigns
                                                              GenAI-enabled hyper-personalization revolves around being
             Insights-powered outreach for deeper understanding
                                                              proactive in understanding the customer's preferences and
             Consistent omnichannel experience                behavior, and creating campaigns and communications that
             Contextual, empathetic response with natural language  are custom-fit. It leads to multiple benefits for insurance
             processing                                       providers:
                                                                 Better customer satisfaction and financial well-being
             Interactive communications to nudge response
                                                                 Reduced risk of frauds & abandonment
         Personalization based on Moments of                     Higher engagement and customer retention/loyalty

         Truth                                                   Time & cost efficiency
                                                                 Lower expenses and losses with intelligent claims
         Life journeys are woven with moments of truth or events
         that deeply impact a customer. Marriage, additions to the
         family, retirement, buying a property or accidents are some  Final words
         decisive moments that offer an opportunity to insurers to
                                                              While insurers collect and analyze data to have their best
         make a lasting impact and derive value. The quality of  shot at offering personalized services and solutions to
         service offered can determine whether a customer stays or
                                                              customers, compliance can be an issue if there's the slightest
         makes a switch.                                      lapse in data security. To steer clear of such risks, providers
                                                              must adopt a technology platform that offers end-to-end
         Insurers can deliver value-added solutions, services and
         communications based on the extensive customer data by  transformation, ensures security layers and delivers 100%
                                                              compliance with global regulations. Newgen has ample
         leveraging  GenAI.  Here's  the  process  that  leads  to
                                                              experience with insurance journeys, and a proven expertise
         personalized campaigns and proactive communications:
                                                              in leveraging GenAI for customization.

         By following these steps, insurance providers can acquire-
         engage-retain customers to maximize CLV.                          About Ritesh Varma
                                                               In the last two decades of his stay, Ritesh has been
         The communication loop can also be made more empathetic
         with GenAI. During the stage of raising requests, multi-  instrumental in expanding Newgen’s presence from
                                                               being a local Indian player to the globally recognized
         channel initiation through social media, emails, web portal
                                                               product organization it is today. Ritesh is an SME in the
         or  SMS  would  present  a  wide  range  of  options  for  BFSI and Shared Services (BPO/BPM) industries and
         policyholders. By leveraging Natural Language Processing
                                                               Workflow Management, Information Management, and
         (NLP), insurers analyze context and sentiments. Based on
                                                               Digital Automation tools. His core forte is in Retail and
         this analysis, the insurer responds through the preferred  Corporate Banking, in process revamping using BPM,
         channel of the customer, sending a contextual message that  RPA, and Analytics to achieve operational efficiencies.
         is focused on resolving the issue.

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