Page 49 - The Insurance Times October 2024
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employed  Persons  (NPS) -  It is  a  voluntary  and  all citizens of India between 18 - 60 years which
             contributory scheme meant for the shopkeepers or    includes residents, non-residents of the country and the
             owners of petty or small shops, restaurants, hotels, real  unorganized sector workers on voluntary basis. The age
             estate brokers etc. with an annual turnover of less than  bracket has been increased upto 70 years now. Thus
             Rs. 1.5 Crore and who are not covered in EPFO/ESIC/  investment in NPS can be made by the following sectors:
             PM- SYM .It is available for the age group of 18-40     Central/State Govt. Employees
             years.. The beneficiaries are entitled to receive monthly
             assured pension of Rs.3000/- after attaining the age of
                                                                     All Citizen Model (Individual)
             60 years.
                                                                     Unorganized Sector Workers
             The monthly contribution ranges from Rs.55 to Rs.200
             depending upon the entry age of the beneficiary. Under  The investor has the choice of actively deciding the
             this schemes, 50% monthly contribution is payable by  investment with various fund managers in different
             the beneficiary and equal matching contribution is paid  asset class or can choose a auto mode of investment.
             by the Central Government.                       10. Trustee administered Pension Schemes by employers
          8. The Atal Pension Yojana (APY) - Started in June 2015 ,  for employees - Similar to the Government schemes ,
             this  is  a  contributory  pension  scheme  for  the  many big employers both in  public and private sector
             unorganised sector  . Any bank account holder between  have developed pension schemes. These scheme were
             the age group of 18 and 40 who is not a member of   on defined benefit basis till recent past but now the
             any statutory social security scheme can avail the  employers too have shifted to defined contribution type
             benefit under this scheme. An individual is required to  of pension. These schemes are trustee administered
             contribute for at least 20 years before reaping the  schemes, where the employer manages the scheme
             benefits of the scheme. This scheme has replaced the  through trustees and purchase pension from insurance
             Swavalamban scheme of National pension scheme.      company at the time of payment.
             The scheme provides pension benefit to those who work  11. Pension schemes offered by Insurance Companies
             in  the  private  sector  or  are  employed  in  such  on Group and Individual basis - Public and private
             occupations where they do not get any pension benefit.  sector life insurance companies offer immediate and
             They can opt for a fixed pension of INR 1,000 or 2,000  deferred annuity plans on individual basis. Some of
             or 3,000 or 4,000 or 5,000 on attaining the age of 60.  these annuity products are unit linked and the returns
             The contribution depends on the amount of pension   in such products are not fixed and depend on the equity
             opted and the age of the member at the time of entry  market.  Besides  this  they  also  offer  group
             into the scheme. Upon the contributor's death, the  superannuation plans  with cash accumulation system
             spouse of the contributor gets the pension and after the  with  guaranteed  minimum  return  on  the
             spouse's death the corpus accrued is returned back to  superannuation funds to the employers on group basis.
             the nominee. The investment of the amount collected  Annuity and pension plans vary in terms of their benefits
             under the scheme is managed by the Pension Fund     and structure. These plans are of following types:
             managers as per the investment pattern specified by  Deferred Annuity: A deferred pension plan is the one
             the Government. Individual applicants are no given the  in which contributions are made either through regular
             choice of choosing the pension funds or the  investment  premiums over a policy term or a single premium option
             pattern as in National pension scheme.              is  also  there  and  the  fund  accumulates  for  a
                                                                 predetermined term. After the policy term is over,
          9. National Pension Scheme - The National Pension
             System (NPS) launched by Government of India on 1st  pension/ annuity begins. The premium paid for deferred
                                                                 pension plans qualify for tax relief.
             January, 2004 provides an option of contributing for
             retirement income to all the citizens of India.  It is a  Immediate Annuity: In an immediate annuity plan,
             defined contributory scheme where the returns are   pension/ annuity installments commence  immediately
             subjected market risk . Initially it was introduced for the  after purchasing the plan. One has to deposit a single
             new government recruits in 2004 (except armed forces)  lump sum amount and pension/annuity starts instantly
             but with effect from 1st May, 2009 it was opened for  but the amount varies with the amount invested and

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