Page 40 - Life Insurance Today March 2016
P. 40

Insurance Regulatory

And Development


IRDAI chief wants simpli-                   Underwriting losses for general insurers rises 33% in
fied products distribution                  FY15

in existing skeleton                        Underwriting losses for general insur-    ous lines of business, such as group
                                            ers jumped 33 per cent to Rs. 10,127      health, motor and fire, due to increas-
 The regulator has asked insurers to        crore in 2014-15 from Rs7,641 crore       ing competition among insurers.
                         simplify the       in the previous year, according to
                         way insurance      IRDAI's annual report.                    IRDAI's annual report said that
                         products are                                                 specialised insurers (ECGC and Agricul-
                         distributed. "In-  Underwriting income is the
                         surers can bring   difference between premi-                             tural Insurance Company)
                         in simplified      ums collected on insurance                            collectively reported signifi-
                         distribution       policies by the insurer, and                          cant increase in underwrit-
                                            expenses incurred and                                 ing losses in 2014-15, which
 within the existing framework it-          claims paid out.                                      stood at Rs. 428 crore as
 self," said T. S. Vijayan, Chairman,                                                             compared to underwriting
 IRDAI.                                     K. G. Krishnamoorthy Rao,                             profit of Rs. 95 crore in
                                            MD and CEO of Future Generali Insur-      2013-14.
 Through regulations, such as man-          ance, said that general insurance in-
 agement of expenses and commis-            dustry is seeing high underwriting        Net incurred claims of non-life insur-
 sions, IRDAI is trying to encourage        losses as the pricing in the market is    ers collectively increased by 12 per
 companies to roll out simplified dis-      not adequate and is unviable in vari-     cent to Rs 55,232 crore in 2014-15
 tribution structures.                                                                from Rs. 49,179 crore in 2013-14.

 He added that for simple products          New reinsurance guidelines favouring GIC Re
 insurers can look at distributors,
 such as point of sales persons, while      IRDA has revised its regulations for the  model the norms again. The current
 agents can be trained more compre-         reinsurers, giving preference to public   rules grant parity to all parties, saying
 hensively for selling more complex         sector reinsurer GIC Re in the
 products.                                  domestic insurance sector.                           that every Indian insurer, in
                                                                                                 order of priority, should first
 When asked whether IRDAI is having         "Every Indian insurer has to                         offer an opportunity to the
 a re-look at the expenses manage-          offer its reinsurance business                       Indian reinsurer to partici-
 ment circular, Vijayan said sharehold-     to Indian reinsurer and then                         pate in its reinsurance busi-
 ers must take cognisance of the ex-        to other reinsurers like for-                        ness or a foreign reinsurer
 penses incurred by insurers. The           eign reinsurers which are hav-                      which maintains a 50 per
 IRDAI chief said unlike earlier where      ing branches in India, Lloyd's and               cent minimum retention or to
 insurers had to pay penalties for ex-      reinsurers which are having branches      other Indian insurers.
 ceeding their expense limits, the cur-     in special economic zone of GIFT in
 rent proposed provisions, such as          Ahmedabad," IRDA said. However, the       IRDAI regulations clarify that a foreign
 restriction on opening new branches,       government representative on the          reinsurer branch cannot cede more
 are likely to have a bigger impact.        IRDA board spoke against the revised      than 50 per cent of its total reinsur-
                                            guidelines, forcing the IRDA to re-       ance placements made outside India
40                                                                                    with its parent company.

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