Page 42 - Life Insurance Today March 2016
P. 42

Glossary & Poll

Life Insurance Glossary                                                                          Poll of the Month

 Dividend                                                         Will the Crop Insurance policy launched by
 A return of part of the premium on participating insurance
 to reflect the difference between the premium charged and        the government, help the needy farmers in
 the combination of actual mortality, expense and investment
 experience. Dividends are not considered to be taxable dis-                     the long run?
 tributions because they are interpreted as a refund of a
 portion of the premium paid.                                                 Yes No Can’t Say

 Evidence of Insurability                                         Results of Poll in our February 2016 Issue
 A statement or proof of your health, finances or job, which
 helps the insurer decide if you are an acceptable risk for life  Do you think after the devastating flood affect-
 insurance.                                                         ing South India, the insurers and regulatory
                                                                   bodies will come up with more products and

                                                                  Yes- 100 %  No- 00 %           Can’t Say- 00 %

Expense                                                           You may send your views to :
Your policy's share of the company's operating costs-fees for     Poll Contest
medical examinations and inspection reports, underwriting,
printing costs, commissions, advertising, agency expenses,        Life Insurance Today.
premium taxes, salaries, rent, etc. Such costs are important
in determining dividends and premium rates.                       25, Baranashi Ghosh Street, Kolkata-7, India
                                                                  Tel : 2218-4184, Fax : 033-22736612 SMS : 9830171022
Face Amount
The amount stated on the face of the policy that will be paid       Appearing in Licentiate Examination
in case of death or at the maturity of the policy. It does not
include additional amounts payable under accidental death                       (As per New Syllabus)
or other special provisions, or acquired through the appli-
cation of policy dividends.                                       Presenting for the first time in India a reliable and tested
                                                                  coaching solution from the house of The Insurance Times, a
Free Look Provision                                               renowned name in the field of insurance education. After
A certain amount of time provided (usually between 10-30          closely studying the needs of students appearing for the
days) to an insured in order to examine the insurance policy      examinations of Insurance Institute of India our research
and if not satisfied, to return it to the company for a full      team has prepared this excellent set of guide materials. This
refund.                                                           book will cover objective type questions and answers as per
                                                                  current syllabus and shall include questions of last 10
Insurable Interest                                                previous terms (only objective questions)
For persons related by blood, a substantial interest estab-
lished through love and affection, and for all other persons,     Subjects :                     General Insurance
a lawful and substantial economic interest in having the life     Life Insurance                 01 Principles of Insurance
of the insured continue. An insurable interest is required        01 Principles of Insurance     11 Practice of General Insurance
when purchasing life insurance on another person.                 02 Practice of Life Assurance  14 Regulations on Insurance
                                                                  14 Regulations on Insurance
Lapse Rate
The rate at which life insurance policies terminate because       Cost: ` 650 each book including delivery charges
of failure to pay the premiums. When policies are lapsed
before enough premium payments are made to cover early                    Licentiate Exam Mock Test
policy expenses, the company must make up this loss from
remaining policyholders. Therefore, the lapse rate will affect    Insurance Training Centre, wing of The Insurance Times is
the cost of the policy.                                           pleased to announce the launch of online Mock Tests for
                                                                  Licentiate exams. Each course contains mock test for each
                                                                  chapter followed by a final Mock Test covering all the
                                                                  chapters. After completing this online you can assess your
                                                                  level of preparedness and if required you can brush up
                                                                  again in order to score good marks. `300/- each paper.

                                                                  Combo Offer : 3 Books plus Online Mock Test for 3
                                                                  papers worth `900/- total value `2250/- :

                                                                  Pay only `1200/-

42  March 2016                                                                                   Life Insurance Today
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