Page 39 - Insurance Times December 2021
P. 39

to prepare its quarterly balance sheet with profit or loss  have not taken off yet. The government aims to mop up Rs
         figures and make public key developments. The markets  1.75 lakh crore in the current fiscal from minority stake sale
         regulator has also amended the rules to allow a company  and privatisation. Of this, Rs 1 lakh crore was to come from
         with a valuation of more than Rs.1 lakh crore to go for IPO  selling its stake in public sector banks and financial
         equivalent to 5% of the total value.                 institutions, and Rs 75,000 crore as CPSE disinvestment
         The insurance sector as a whole has been growing at a pace
         significantly higher than that of the overall economy. After  The IRDAI is allowing Indian insurance companies to invest
         the initial public offering (IPO) of LIC, about 60 per cent of  in fund of funds (FoFs), a move seen as giving a boost to the
         the insurance business will be with listed companies. The  private equity sector. The central government will maintain
         fintech firm, of late, has been focused on increasing its reach  a bare minimum presence in strategically important sectors.
         in the market and working on top-line numbers. The   Banks, financial institutions, and insurance are identified as
         company recently launched a slew of products and services  strategic sectors, which mean the government's minimum
         aimed at helping seasoned, as well as new-to-investment  presence will be there in insurance. The government would
         users. It aims to achieve over 10 million users and 75 million  look to amalgamate or disinvest in financial institutions, after
         yearly transactions for Paytm Money, its stocks and mutual  ensuring that it had a minimum presence. Over and above
                                                                                   a bare minimum presence, if there
                                                                                   is a need for me to identify those
                                                                                   (entities), which are there but are
                                                                                   probably not necessary for my
                                                                                   bare minimum presence,

                                                                                   I will think in terms of
                                                                                   amalgamating, or disinvesting in
                                                                                   them. The government, which has
                                                                                   already listed the state-run GIC Re
                                                                                   and The New India Assurance,
                                                                                   plans to float the shares of state-
                                                                                   owned life insurance giant LIC and
                                                                                   other government-owned general
                                                                                   insurers. The Indian insurance
         fund investment platform, in the financial year 2021-2022,  business sector has matured over the two decades since the
         with the majority of users from small cities and towns.  introduction of competition and regulations. The sector as
                                                              a whole has been growing at a pace significantly higher than
         In the development of new solutions needed by this   that of the overall economy.
         emerging India and its maturing insurance sector, the
         actuarial profession have a key role to play. Perceptions of  References:
         risk have heightened on account of the once-in-a-century
         .Other global risks are also looming, large climate change
         concerns and rising incidence of catastrophic events have
         sharply raised awareness of environmental risks. Further,  2.
         with the increased pace of technological change and     and-its-customers-7417712/
         innovation, new ways of carrying on businesses and engaging  3.
         in individual pursuits are constantly emerging.         three-insurance-related-firms-to-
         According to IPO norms, an issuer company can offer the  paytm-plans-to-launch-india
         shares to employees at a discount of a maximum 10% on
         the floor price at which the shares are offered to other
         categories. The listing will be crucial for the government to
         meet its disinvestment target, especially when its plans to  6.  IRDAI Annual Report 2019-20
         privatise two public sector banks and one insurance firm  7.  Newspapers & Journals. T

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