Page 26 - Insurance Times Octoberr 2022
P. 26

electricity like your phone or laptop. Since electric cars are  car insurance can be a great help and offer financial
          not yet very common in India, getting an insurance policy  protection in an unfortunate event like accidental damage,
          for your electric car can be a little bit different.  fire, natural calamities, or theft, and can ensure that you
                                                              drive your car without any worries. You must also keep in
          The minimum requirement by law is to provide insurance in  mind that having at least third-party car insurance is
          respect of legal liability to pay damages arising out of injury  mandatory in India to ply your vehicle on road.
          caused to any person, unlimited in amount, and several
          countries' laws also provide for damage to property of other  As per the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988, all vehicles in India
          people subject to certain limits and exception. Broadly, four  must be insured with a motor insurance policy; electric cars
          are three types of motor policies:                  are not exempted from this rule. It means that you have to
          a) An `Act only' policy covers the minimum required by the  compulsorily buy car insurance for your electric vehicle to
             law.                                             drive it on Indian roads. However, electric car insurance
                                                              policies aren't the same as regular car insurance plans. Since
          b) The `third party only' policies which cover the insured's
                                                              electric cars are battery-powered and consist of a different
             liability in  respect of  third-party injury,  death or
                                                              engine, coverage offered by an electric car insurance policy
             property damage.
                                                              is more customized. Also,  the cost of car insurance for
          c)  A `third party fire and theft' policy would additionally
                                                              electric cars is higher as compared to the usual petrol and
             cover damage to the car and its contents from fire or
                                                              diesel cars. So, premiums for electric car insurance policies
                                                              are higher than conventional car insurance plans. Below are
          d) The `comprehensive' policy, which provides the widest  the reasons behind the high costs associated with electric
             and more  common form of covers also, includes   car insurance:
             accidental damage to the vehicle in addition to the third  1. Electric cars are expensive to buy -
             party, fire and theft cover.                        Electric cars are expensive to purchase compared to
                                                                 regular cars, and even the cheapest electric cars in India
          Such policies may also include personal accident benefits for  cost more than Rs. 10 lakhs. Due to the high value of
          insured and spouse, medical expenses and loss of or damage  electric cars, their  Insured Declared Value  (IDV)
          to rugs, clothing and personal effects.                increases,  resulting  in  increased  car  insurance
          There may similarly in ICEs' & EVs' availability in Motor
                                                                 Although the up-front cost of buying an electric car is
          Insurance  -  some  add-on covers  like,  In-voice  value
                                                                 higher, it makes sense to invest in it as it will enable
          protection, protection from inflation, Zero Depreciation
                                                                 you to save on fuel costs and maintenance charges over
          Cover, Engine Protection Cover, No Claim Bonus Protection
                                                                 the years.
          Cover, Roadside Assistance Cover, Daily Allowance Cover,
          Passenger Cover, Consumables Cover, etc., in the self of your  2. Electric car parts are expensive -
          insurer for you to avail on payment of extra premium.  The primary reason for electric cars being expensive is
                                                                 that their various components  are costly. The most
          Motor policies are described by the type of vehicle to  expensive of them is the car's battery, which accounts
          insured. Thus, there are separate policies for private cars,  for more than 60% of its value. Replacing or repairing
          motor cycles, commercial vehicles, taxis, lorries, vans, hire  these parts can be a costly affair, which is one of the
          cars and so on and the rules are exclusive to the type of  reasons  behind  the  high  pricing  of  electric  car
          vehicle. So,  all such  considerations  shall be specifically  insurance. Car manufacturers are striving hard to
          applicable in due course while arriving on the premium rates  reduce the cost of these parts. If they can reduce the
          for the specific one.                                  costs of electric car parts, their insurance premium may
                                                                 also decline.
          You can't predict what might happen  to your precious
          electric cars. These kinds of cars have a lot of complex  3. Batteries have to be replaced -
          technical and mechanical parts, that help it run smoothly,  Electric cars draw their power from high-capacity
          but can also give you trouble at any time. So, having electric  batteries, and these batteries come with an expiry date,

           26  The Insurance Times, October 2022
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