Page 28 - Insurance Times Octoberr 2022
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          TIME AGAIN!

                    lthough this  concept may seem alien today,  Europe as a  financing  tool. The European monarchs
          A         tontines have a  long creditable history that  borrowed, via tontines, to fund their wars.
                    reaches back half a millennium. The name
                    "Tontine" comes from a 17th-century Italian
          financier, Lorenzo de Tonti.  In those days, Tonti pitched for  At the height of its popularity in the 1900s, tontines
                                                              represented two-thirds of the insurance market in  the
          a tontine scheme to the French government in the 17th  United States and accounted for more than 7.5% of the
          century as a way for King Louis XIV to raise money.  nation's wealth. By 1905, there were an estimated nine
                                                              million active tontine policies in the U.S., with only 18 million
          A Tontine is organization of individuals who enters into an
                                                              households! In 19th century tontines were a popular vehicle
          agreement to pool sums of money permitting the last  for increasing life insurance sales in America. History credits
          survivor of the group to take everything. It can also be said
                                                              tontines for the insurance industry's ascendance in America.
          that Tontine is a rare agreement among several persons,
          who agree that each will invest in an annuity and the last
                                                              The modern culture served to amplify the fashionability and
          to die will receive the remaining assets and profits.
                                                              the dark side of tontines. Popular writers like Agatha
                                                              Christie, Robert Louis Stevenson, and P.G. Wodehouse wrote
          The holders of tontine life insurance contracts pay premiums
                                                              stories about tontine participants  conspiring to  kill one
          for a certain amount of time before they gain the right to
                                                              another to claim the big payoff!
          acquire dividends. In the event that a policyholder dies
          during the tontine policy, his  or her beneficiary will be
                                                              Today growing number of financial advisors, academics, and
          entitled to benefits, but no dividends. The earnings that
                                                              Fintech firms think that it is the right time to take a serious
          ordinarily would be used to pay dividends are accumulated
                                                              look at these financial instruments. They would like to see
          during the tontine period and subsequently given only to
                                                              tontines make a comeback. Tontines are attractive because
          policyholders who are still alive at the end of the term. This
                                                              they provide regular income of an annuity - more income
          type of policy is known as a dividend-deferred policy.
                                                              for living members - and because of tontines' structure and
                                                              relatively low costs, they produce higher yield than annuities.
          During late Middle Ages tontines became very popular in
                                                              Tontines also offer a solution to longevity risk-the danger of
                        About the author                      outliving money. With automation and developments like
                                                              blockchain technology, today's tontines could boast of
                       Dr. K Raja Gopal Reddy
                                                              something that was missing earlier:  transparency. With
                       PhD, FIII, FCII(UK), FLMI (US),
                                                              transparency there is less possibility of fraud. The market
                       Chartered Insurance Practitioner
                       Principal Officer                      for tontines is as large as for life insurance, especially with
                       Topspot Insurance Broking Private Limited  the Baby Boomers, Gen X and Millennials began looking for
                       (Commercially known  as insurancepe)   an alternative to low yielding pensions.

           28  The Insurance Times, October 2022
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