Page 33 - Insurance Times Octoberr 2022
P. 33


          OF LIFE


          Life insurance, which we take lightly, which we     penetration was much lower at one percent. The overall
          should not…                                         penetration for the industry was over four percent in 2021.

                                                              How big is the insurance market in India? India's Insurance
          …why do we say that? Isn't life precious? Do we
                                                              market stands at $131 Bn as of FY22. The Indian insurance
          consider it precious? Not really!
                                                              industry grew at a CAGR of 17% over the last two decades
                                                              and is expected to continue its commendable growth
          Look at the figures, which narrate an alarming scenario
                                                              trajectory in the future years.
          concerning life insurance in India. At least 988 million Indians
          - more than the population of Europe and 75% of all Indians,
                                                              What is life insurance? Life Insurance provides a definite
          are not covered by any form of life insurance. Even if one is
                                                              amount of money in case the life insured dies during the term
          insured, it is only 8% of what may be required to protect a
                                                              of the policy or becomes disabled on account of an accident.
          family from financial shock following the death of an earning
          member, reveals Government data.
                                                              Why  life  Insurance  is  needed?  To  ensure  that  your
                                                              immediate family has significant financial support in the
          In the financial year 2021, India's life insurance penetration
                                                              event of your demise.
          stood at around three percent, while the non-life insurance
                                                              Who needs life insurance? Every individual who has a
                              About the author                financially dependent family. Life insurance is for securing
                                                              you and your family financially. Everyone wants that their
                       Deepak Chaudhary                       children are well-taken  care of in their  absence.  Life
                       Founder & MD                           insurance makes sure your loved ones don't suffer financially
                       Shrigodainsurance4life                 when you are not around.
                                                                        The Insurance Times, October 2022 33
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