Page 34 - Insurance Times Octoberr 2022
P. 34

Why should you have life insurance? To fulfilling-term  insurance premiums under Section 80Cof the Income Tax
          financial goals, for protecting children's future, service loans  Act,  1961. Pay-outs for death  claims are tax-free under
          and liabilities, children's  education  planning, helping  Section 10(10D) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
          dependent spouse, leaving a tax-free legacy, and retirement
          planning.                                           What are the important aspects of buying an
                                                              insurance policy?
          While considering life insurance, you must evaluate the
                                                              Sum Assured, the first and foremost thing to look at is the
          merits of Term Insurance, which is the simplest and purest
                                                              amount you will be covered through your insurance. You are
          form of life insurance. It provides financial protection to your
                                                              required  to  choose  the  sum  assured  before  the
          family at the most affordable rates. With term insurance,
                                                              commencement of the policy. You need to assess all the
          you can get a large amount of life cover (i.e. sum assured)
                                                              future needs and expenses of your family members before
          at a relatively low premium rate. The benefit amount is paid
                                                              deciding on an amount.
          out to the nominee in  case of the death of the person
          insured during the term of the policy.
                                                              Duration of the Policy, the time for which your policy will be
                                                              active. These can range from 10 years to even covering for
          Life insurance plans are not only- Zindagi ke baad
                                                              you till the age of 100.The longer the policy the lower can
          bhi! These are Zindagi ke saath bhi!!
                                                              be your premium.
          All of us want to have a good life and going forward want  Flexibility, this  can be in the form of providing multiple
          to give a good life to our children, for which we need to  payment options, freedom to choose the mode and duration
          accomplish some goals.
                                                              of payments, etc. The more flexible a policy is the more it is
                                                              easy for you to customize according to your own.
          To accomplish these goals, money needs to be saved. Life
          insurance plans help you achieve your goals by helping you
                                                              Terms and Conditions, make sure you do read the terms and
          build a financial corpus with the protection of a life cover.
                                                              conditions part associated with the policy thoroughly.
          Life insurance plans inculcate a habit of disciplined saving.
          Paying a little amount as an insurance premium each month
                                                              Claim Settlement, Last but not least is to consider the claim
          will help you accumulate funds. What's even better is that
                                                              settlement process of the insurer. Go through the process
          this small monthly amount only keeps growing. So, years
                                                              so that you know the steps involved to get the claim. Also,
          from now, you'll have enough wealth accumulated to
                                                              check the claim settlement ratio of the company.
          accomplish your more substantial and long-term financial
          goals. These are Insurance - cum- Investment plans.
                                                              All these aspects will make your choice of life insurance policy
                                                              easier. The need of the hour is to increase the life insurance
          Besides, you can claim an income tax deduction on your life
                                                              penetration manifold considering the untimely deaths being
                                                              witnessed during Covid 19.

                                                              I back my statement with the research report released this
                                                              year by CARE Ratings which projects the industry to continue
                                                              to grow at around 14%-15% per annum. The momentum is
                                                              expected to be maintained in the life insurance industry due
                                                              to  factors  such  as  growing  awareness,  increasing
                                                              urbanization, product innovation, multi-channel distribution,
                                                              tax benefits, etc.

                                                              Look at life, & beyond with a promise!

                                                              You can connect with your Insurance Broker immediately
                                                              to cover your life, to make the slogan true - Zindagi ke saath
                                                              bhi, Zindagi ke baad bhi by LIC of India.

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