Page 38 - Insurance Times Octoberr 2022
P. 38

to their respective Boards for review and course correction.  comprehensive. Perpetrators have the creativity to identify
          Insurers are liable to inform both potential and existing  ways  of subverting the system,  so staying ahead needs
          clients about their anti-fraud policies. Insurers include  constant software upgradation and monitoring by seasoned
          necessary cautions in the insurance contracts and relevant  professionals!
          documents, duly highlighting the consequences of submitting
          a false statement and/or incomplete statement, for the  Combating the digital fraudster:
          benefit of the policyholder, claimants and their beneficiaries.
                                                              The problem with insurance companies in India is that they
                                                              do not extensively share data as banks do. This is the reason
          Control by means of identifying triggers            why every insurance company has to rely on its own network
          Fraudsters have become increasingly innovative. Newer  to detect fraud. It is extremely important that all insurance
          ways of cheating the insurance companies are being used  companies  form a common  database and  start sharing
          almost every day. One of the ways to control fraud is to  fraud data extensively. A start has been made as a repository
          identify triggers for early detection. The fraud monitoring  has been formed in 2016. About 43 insurance companies
          function needs to be instrumental in identifying vulnerable  have come together and have appointed credit rating
          and susceptible areas in their customer association  to  agency Experian in order to use Experian's big data and
          identify triggers to detect fraud.  According to a FICCI report  analytics capabilities. Fraudulent behaviours are rapidly
          common triggers observed to detect frauds are:      evolving as fraudsters are becoming more intelligent,
             Claim from a policy with only one member at minimum  proficient and adventurous in the digital space. When
             sum insured amount.                              fraudulent behaviors and technologies are rapidly evolving
                                                              - optimizing analytics and building an adaptive analytics
             Multiple claims with repeated hospitalization and
                                                              strategy is key to success.
             multiple claims towards the end of the policy period,
             close proximity of claims.
                                                              Life Insurance Frauds
             Any claims made immediately after a policy sum insured
             enhancement.                                     Anurag Joshua (name changed) received an email from his
                                                              insurer that a good amount of maturity amount on his
             Claims from a member with the history of frequent
                                                              insurance policy is due. The concerned person in the mail
             change of insurer or gap in the previous insurance policy.
                                                              asks Joshua to deposit some TDS amount before  the
             Policy claims with evidence of significant over/under  company transfers the maturity amount. Joshua does it only
             insurance as compared to the insured's income/lifestyle.  to discover that it was a hoax. Someone had created a fake
             Claims from a non-traceable person or where courier/  email ID to dupe him. There are multiple cases when people
             cheque have been returned from insured's documented  produce fake death certificates to receive the life insurance
             address                                          amount.
             The second claim in the same year for an acute medical
             illness/surgical minor illness/orthopedic minor illness in
             the same policy period for main claim. Young males
             between  25-35  years getting  admitted  for  acute
             medical illness
             Claims from members with no claim free years, i.e.
             regular claim history

          It is the need of the hour to have laws that can provide swift
          recourse against such frauds. In today's scenario, stringent
          laws and strict punishment are required for those guilty of
          having committed these frauds which  will also  act as  a
          deterrent for  others  looking to exploit this industry.
          Insurance entities continue to curtail fraud, yet a lot needs
          to be done to make the existing framework more robust and

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