Page 42 - Insurance Times Octoberr 2022
P. 42

Today, insurance providers are increasingly turning to data
          analytics to quantify fraud detection and weed out bogus
          claims more efficiently than ever before. With the help of
          accurate underwriting, the potential of fraud is being
          detected  faster  now. However,  for  data  analytics to
          successfully identify and eliminate frauds, it is imperative not
          to repeat the mistakes of the  'Identify, Analyse,  and
          Recommend' statistical model that insurance companies
          used after the fall of claim agents.

          Antifraud legislation

          The problem is that the law punishes insurance companies
          but does not provide any recourse to them. If insurance
          companies prove that a person has actually tried to commit
                                                              invents a loss such as a theft of a motor vehicle or setting
          fraud, they get away with very light punishment. In order
                                                              fire to property covered by an insurance policy.  Soft fraud,
          to stop the fraud in the insurance sector, it is important that
                                                              which  is  more  common, occurs when a policyholder
          strict laws are created as well as implemented. These laws
                                                              exaggerates  on  an  otherwise  legitimate  claim,  or
          will act as a deterrent to professional frauds that are making
                                                              intentionally  omits  or  lies  about  information  on  an
          a career out of cheating insurance companies. Insurance
                                                              application to obtain a lower premium. Soft fraud is often
          fraud is any act committed to defraud an insurance process.
                                                              considered a crime of opportunity.
          It occurs when a claimant attempts to obtain some benefit
          or advantage they are not entitled to, or when an insurer
                                                              The most common type of fraud scheme among insurance
          knowingly denies some benefit that is due. Insurance fraud
                                                              producers is premium diversion. This occurs when an
          received little attention until the 1980s, when the rising cost
                                                              insurance agent or broker keeps policyholders' premium
          of insurance and organized crime rings' growing involvement
                                                              payments instead  of sending  them  to  the  insurance
          in fraud spurred efforts to pass stronger antifraud laws.
                                                              company.  Other types of diversion schemes include selling
                                                              insurance without a license and collecting premiums without
          To successfully bring a fraud case to trial, insurers must be
                                                              paying claims. Fraud affects the lives of innocent people as
          able to provide information to prosecutors on individuals
                                                              well as the insurance industry. Insurance fraud has existed
          suspected of fraud. Immunity laws, which allow insurance
                                                              ever since the beginning of insurance as a  commercial
          companies to report information without fear of criminal or
                                                              enterprise. It takes many forms and may occur in any areas
          civil prosecution, now exist in all states. However, not all
                                                              of insurance. Insurance companies, their intermediaries or
          laws cover insurance fraud specifically, nor do all regulations
                                                              those pretending to be either of them may also perpetrate
          allow information to be reported to law enforcement
                                                              frauds.  It  is  important  that  fraudulent  activities  are
          agencies or to state departments of insurance. Many are
                                                              eliminated from the industry and it is the  duty of all
          limited in other ways, like only providing protection against
                                                              stakeholders to do their bit in dealing with insurance fraud.
          libel suits or violation of unfair claims practices acts in auto
                                                              The IRDAI has come across certain instances of fraudulent
          insurance fraud. Some experts believe that immunity laws
                                                              activities and has issued alerts to the public about them.
          should be extended  to  include good faith exchanges  of
          certain kinds of claim-related information among insurance
                                                              Continuous customer evaluation is vital
                                                              for fraud detection
          Categories of frauds                                Consistently assessing existing customers is the key to
          Two categories of fraud exist: hard fraud and soft fraud.  detecting frauds early. For instance, a major red flag for
          Hard fraud occurs when a policyholder deliberately destroys  potential fraud is the address or beneficiary change for new
          property with the intent of collecting on the insurance policy.  customers. Insurance providers should verify any change in
          A hard fraud occurs when someone deliberately plans or  address, considering most customers would be oblivious to

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