Page 6 - Insurance Times April 2020
P. 6

1. What are the top five risk in your organization?
                                                        Top 5 Risks
                                                        Strategic   Factors that could
                                                          Risks impact business continuity

                                                                                        ▪Security of raw materials
                                                                                        ▪Security of fuels
                                                                                        ▪Environment compliance
                                                                                        ▪Employee succession
                                                                                        ▪Information security risk
                                                        2. How you manage those risks?
                                                                                ▪ To effectively manage our business
                                                        Objective               risks to mitigate impacts and achieve
                                                                                business goals
                                                                                ▪ Board Level Risk Committee
                                                                                ▪ Risk Management Executive
                                                                                Committee (members CEO, COO,
                      Surath Mukherjee                  Risk management         CFO, Head HR, Head Manufacturing,
                     Executive Director Head            organization            Head Legal)
                                                                                ▪ Chief Risk Officer
                  Internal Audit & Risk Assurance
                      Dalmia Bharat Group                                       ▪ Functional Risk Owners and
                                                                                risk officers (for each function)
           In a Interview with Dr Rakesh Agarwal, Editor, The
           Insurance  Times  and  Secretary  General,  Risk                     ▪ An ERM policy is developed
           Management  Association  of  India,  Mr  Surath                      ▪ A risk library containing all the
           Mukherjee talks about the risk perspective from                      identified risks throughout the
           the  point  of  view  of  a  Corporate  Organization.                organization has been prepared.
           Mr.Surath is a Qualified CA and a Cost Accountant   Risk Identification  ▪ From the risk library, key risks
           currently  Heading  the  Internal  Audit  and  Risk                  (strategic  and  operational  risk)
           Assurance vertical at Dalmia Bharat Group having                     have been short listed based on
                                                                                high probability and high impact
           interests in Cement, Sugar, Power & Refractory                       criteria  for  detailed  mitigation
           segments and has a turnover of in excess of Rs.                      plans and regular monitoring
           12000 Cr.                                                            ▪ Each key risk and its corresponding
                                                                                mitigation plan is reviewed by the risk
           He  has  been  with  Dalmia  Bharat  Group  since   Mitigation plans  owner every quarter.
           2008 where he has been instrumental is setting up                    ▪ The consolidated risk assessment
                                                                                report  is  reviewed  by  the  Risk
           the Risk management function and scaling it up to                    Management  Committee  every
           match the expansion of the group, before which                       quarter
           he had spent a decade with Sony India Ltd and   3.  What  are  the  key  challenges  you  have  faced  in
           also a 5 year stint with Philips India.
                                                        implementation of Risk Management?
                                                        It's a very exciting journey and as an organization we have been
           Over his professional career he has been able to   able to tie up the loose end of the ERM process effectively.
           contribute  sustainable  results  for  the   The success factor of this exercise depends on how we handle the
           organizations  in  the  field  of  Controllership,   key  challenge  in  this  aspect  which  is  to  accurately  not  only
           Finance,  Risk  Assurance,  Fraud  Investigations.   understand the business scenario unfolding around us but also to
           Surath  is  a  regular  contributor  &  speaker  in   understand the several macroeconomic and other global factors
           various  Industry  forums  like  ICAI,  IIA,  ICMA,
                                                        which may impact our operation .
           Assocham etc. and believes in interactive learning
           through knowledge sharing
                                                                                            Continued to page 37

           4 6  The Insurance Times, April 2020
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