Page 14 - The Torch October 2019 (1)
P. 14

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer isn't just a walk. It's a movement to end breast cancer.  Whether it's
         fueling breast cancer research or helping patients get to treatment, our fundraising makes a real difference

         in the fight against breast cancer.
                                         JOIN THE WALK      Saturday, October 19th
                                         Check-in at 7:30 AM       Walk begins at 8:30
                                                  Montgomery Train Shed

                           Even if you can't walk, you can make a difference with a donation.
                                       Visit the DST-MAC team fundraising page.
                                                   Click here to donate.

     Sorors are asked to generously donate healthy treats
     and snacks for the Spooktacular Event sponsored by

     the  Montgomery  County  Sheriff's  Office.  There  is

     a  decorated Halloween Box at the Fortitude Build-
     ing to drop off your snacks. We need snacks for 3000
     to 4000 Trick or Treaters. The committee will be ac-

     cepting snacks and treats until October 30th prior to

     the  event  on  October  31st  at  Garrett  Coliseum.
     Please  contact  Sorors  Diane  Hamilton  or  Sandra
     Thomas for additional information.
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