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4.2 Income from Activities Arising from Commissioner Requested Services
Under the terms of its provider licence, the trust is required to analyse the level of income from activities that has
arisen from commissioner requested and non-commissioner requested services. Commissioner requested services
are defined in the provider license and are services that commissioners believe would need to be protected in the
event of provider failure. This information is provided in the table below:
2017/18 2016/17
£000 £000
Income from Services Designated as Commissioner Requested Services 200,622 184,504
Income from Services Not Designated as Commissioner Requested Services 12,869 7,533
Total 213,491 192,037
4.3 Profits and Losses on Disposal of Property, Plant and Equipment
2017/18 2016/17
£000 £000
Equipment Disposals 98 (23)
Land and Building Disposals - 425
Profit on Disposal in Year 98 402
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 173 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18