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1.24 Standards, Amendments and
        Exchange gains or losses on monetary items (arising on
        settlement of the transaction or on re-translation at the   Interpretations in Issue but Not Yet
        Statement of Financial Position date) are recognised in   Effective or Adopted
        income or expense in the period in which they arise.
        1.20 Third Party Assets                                 IFRS 9 Financial   Application required for

                                                                Instruments       accounting periods beginning
        Assets belonging to third parties (such as money                          on or after 1 January 2018, but
        held on behalf of patients) are not recognised in the                     not yet adopted by the FReM;
        accounts since the trust has no beneficial interest in                    early adoption is not therefore
        them. The Trust has no third party assets at 31 March                     permitted.
                                                                IFRS 15 Revenue  Application required for
        1.21 Losses and Special Payments                        from Contracts    accounting periods beginning
                                                                                  on or after 1 January 2018, but
                                                                with Customers
                                                                                  not yet adopted by the FReM;
        Losses and special payments are items that Parliament
                                                                                  early adoption is not therefore
        would not have contemplated when it agreed funds                          permitted.
        for the health service or passed legislation. By their
        nature they are items that ideally should not arise. They   IFRS 16 Leases   Application required for
        are therefore subject to special control procedures                       accounting periods beginning
        compared with the generality of payments. They are                        on or after 1 January 2019, but
        divided into different categories, which govern the                       not yet adopted by the FReM;
        way that individual cases are handled. Losses and                         early adoption is not therefore
        special payments are charged to the relevant functional
        headings in expenditure on an accruals basis, including
                                                                IFRS 17           Application required for
        losses which would have been made good through
                                                                Insurance         accounting periods beginning
        insurance cover had the trust not been bearing their    Contracts         on or after 1 January 2021, but
        own risks (with insurance premiums then being                             not yet adopted by the FReM;
        included as normal revenue expenditure).                                  early adoption is not therefore
        However the losses and special payments note is
                                                                IFRIC 22 Foreign   Application required for
        compiled directly from the losses and compensations     Currency          accounting periods beginning on
        ledger which reports on an accrual basis with the
                                                                Transactions      or after 1 January 2018.
        exception of provisions for future losses.              and Advance
        1.22 Charitable Funds

                                                                IFRIC 23          Application required for
        Alder Hey Children’s Charity is governed by             Uncertainty over   accounting periods beginning on
        independent Trustees and has independent processes.     Income Tax        or after 1 January 2019.
        The trust does not have power to govern the financial   Treatments
        and operating policies of the charitable fund and
        therefore the charity is not consolidated.

        1.23 Early Adoption of Standards,                      2. OPERATING SEGMENTS
        Amendments and Interpretations                         The Trust has considered segmental reporting and
                                                               the Chief Executive and the Board receive sufficient
        No new accounting standards or revisions to existing   and appropriate high level information to enable the
        standards have been early adopted in 2017/18.          business to be managed effectively and to monitor
                                                               and manage the strategic aims of the trust. Sufficiently
                                                               detailed information is used by middle and lower
                                                               management to ensure effective management at
                                                               an operational level. Neither of these are sufficiently
                                                               discrete to profile operating segments, as defined
                                                               by IFRS8, that would enable a user of these financial
                                                               statements to evaluate the nature and financial effects
                                                               of the business activities that the Trust undertakes.
                                                               Therefore the trust has decided that it has one
                                                               operating segment for healthcare.

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