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of Financial Position’ by the trust. In accordance     Finance-leased assets (including land) are depreciated
        with IAS 17, the underlying assets are recognised      over the shorter of the useful economic life or the lease
        as property, plant and equipment, together with        term, unless the trust expects to acquire the asset
        an equivalent finance lease liability. Subsequently,   at the end of the lease term in which case the assets
        the assets are accounted for as property, plant and    are depreciated in the same manner as owned assets
        equipment and/or intangible assets as appropriate.     above.
                                                               1.8 Intangible Assets
        The annual contract payments are apportioned
        between the repayment of the liability, a finance cost
        and the charges for services.
                                                               1.8.1 Recognition
        The service charge is recognised in operating expenses
                                                               Intangible assets are non-monetary assets without
        and the finance cost is charged to finance costs in the
                                                               physical substance which are capable of being sold
        Statement of Comprehensive Income.
                                                               separately from the rest of the trust’s business or
                                                               which arise from contractual or other legal rights. They
        Components of the asset replaced by the contractor
                                                               are recognised only where it is probable that future
        during the contract (lifecycle replacement) are
                                                               economic benefits will flow to, or service potential be
        capitalised where they meet the trust’s criteria for
                                                               provided to, the trust, where they are capable of being
        capital expenditure. They are capitalised at the
        time they are provided by the operator and are         used in the trust’s activities for more than one year,
                                                               where the cost of the asset can be measured reliably
        measured initially at cost. The element of the annual
                                                               and they have a cost of at least £5,000.
        unitary payment allocated to lifecycle replacement
        is pre-determined for each year of the contract
                                                               Software which is integral to the operation of hardware,
        from the operator’s planned programme of lifecycle
        replacement. Where the lifecycle component is          e.g. an operating system, is capitalised as part of
                                                               the relevant item of property, plant and equipment.
        provided earlier or later than expected, a short-term
                                                               Software which is not integral to the operation of
        accrual or prepayment is recognised respectively.
                                                               hardware, e.g. application software, is capitalised as an
        Where the fair value of the lifecycle component is
                                                               intangible asset.
        less than the amount determined in the contract, the
        difference is recognised as an expense when the
                                                               Expenditure on research activities is not capitalised, it
        replacement is provided. If the fair value is greater than
                                                               is recognised as an operating expense in the period in
        the amount determined in the contract, the difference
                                                               which it is incurred.
        is treated as a ‘free’ asset and a deferred income

        balance is recognised. The deferred income is released
        to operating income over the shorter of the remaining   As it cannot be demonstrated that the IAS38 criteria for
                                                               capitalisation can be met, expenditure on development
        contract period or the useful economic life of the
                                                               is not capitalised.
        replacement component.
        1.7.6 Useful Economic Lives of                         1.8.2 Measurement
        Property, Plant and Equipment                          Intangible assets are recognised initially at cost,
                                                               comprising all directly attributable costs needed to
        Useful economic lives reflect the total life of an asset   create, produce and prepare the asset to the point that
        and not the remaining life of an asset. The range of   it is capable of operating in the manner intended by
        useful economic lives are shown in the table below:
                                    Minimum     Maximum
                                          Life        Life     Subsequently intangible assets are measured at current
                                         Years       Years     value in existing use. Where no active market exists,
                                                               intangible assets are valued at the lower of depreciated
         Buildings, Excluding               -          88      replacement cost and the value in use where the asset
         Dwellings                                             is income generating. Revaluations gains and losses
                                                               and impairments are treated in the same manner as
         Dwellings                        37           37
                                                               for property, plant and equipment. An intangible asset
         Plant and Machinery               2           15      which is surplus with no plan to bring it back into use
                                                               is valued at fair value under IFRS 13, if it does not meet
         Transport Equipment                -           -      the requirements of IAS 40 of IFRS 5.
         Information Technology            2           10
                                                               Intangible assets held for sale are measured at the
                                                               lower of their carrying amount or “fair value less costs
         Furniture and Fittings           10           10
                                                               to sell”.

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