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        1. ACCOUNTING POLICIES                                 assumptions concerning the future and other key
        AND OTHER INFORMATION                                  sources of estimation uncertainty at the end of the
                                                               reporting period, that have a significant risk of causing
        1.1 Basis of Preparation                               a material adjustment to the carrying amount of assets
                                                               and liabilities within the next financial year.
        NHS Improvement, in exercising the statutory functions   Asset Valuation and Lives
        conferred on Monitor, has directed that the financial
        statements of the trust shall meet the accounting      The value and remaining useful lives of land and
        requirements of the Department of Health and Social    buildings have been estimated by Cushman &
        Care Group Accounting Manual (GAM), which shall be     Wakefield. The valuations are carried out in accordance
        agreed with HM Treasury. Consequently, the following   with the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
        financial statements have been prepared in accordance   Valuation Standards. The valuations for land and
        with the GAM 2017/18 issued by the Department          buildings were carried out during 2017/18 and were
        of Health and Social Care. The accounting policies     applied to the 31 March 2018 land and buildings values.
        contained in the GAM follow International Financial    Asset values have been uplifted to reflect latest BCIS
        Reporting Standards to the extent that they are        “All in” Tender Price Indices. Valuations are carried out
        meaningful and appropriate to the NHS, as determined   using the Modern Equivalent Asset basis to determine
        by HM Treasury, which is advised by the Financial      the Depreciated Replacement Cost for specialised
        Reporting Advisory Board. Where the GAM permits        operational property and Existing Use Value for non-
        a choice of accounting policy, the accounting policy   specialised operational property. The value of the
        that is judged to be most appropriate to the particular   retained land and buildings at 31 March 2018 reflect
        circumstances of the trust for the purpose of giving   that most of the hospital buildings are in the process of
        a true and fair view has been selected. The particular   being demolished.
        policies adopted are described below. These have been
        applied consistently in dealing with items considered   The lives of equipment assets are estimated using
        material in relation to accounts.                      historical experience of similar equipment lives with
                                                               reference to national guidance and consideration of the
        1.1.1 Accounting Convention                            pace of technological change. Operational equipment
                                                               is carried at current value. Where assets are of low
        These accounts have been prepared under the            value and/or have short useful economic lives, these
        historical cost convention modified to account for the   are carried at depreciated historical cost as this is not
        revaluation of property, plant and equipment, intangible   considered to be materially different from fair value.
        assets, inventories and certain financial assets and   Software licences are depreciated over the shorter of
        financial liabilities.                                 the term of the license and the useful economic life.
        1.1.2 Going Concern                                    Provisions

        These accounts have been prepared on a going           Pensions provisions relating to former employees,
        concern basis. The trust is planning to be financially   including Directors, have been estimated using the life
        sustainable over the next five year NHS planning       expectancy from the Government’s actuarial tables.
        horizon. The trust is planning a trading surplus of £4.4m   Other legal claims provisions relate to employer and
        in 2018/19.                                            public liability claims and expected costs are advised
                                                               by NHS Resolution.
        1.2 Critical Accounting Judgements
        and Key Sources of Estimation                          Provision for Impairment of Receivables
        Uncertainty                                            A provision for the impairment of receivables has

                                                               been made for amounts which are uncertain to be
        In application of the trust’s accounting policies,     received from organisations at 31 March 2018. The
        management is required to make judgements,             provision is £ 1,238,000 (31 March 2017: £996,000)
        estimates and assumptions. These are regularly         and includes a provision of £318,000 (31 March 2017:
        reviewed.                                              £389,000) against the Injury Costs Recovery debt.
                                                               The recoverability of the Injury Costs Recovery debt
        The following are the critical judgements that         has been assessed and the trust has fully provided for
        management have made in the process of applying        incidents that are over 10 years old. The balance of the
        the trust’s accounting policies, together with the key   Injury Costs Recovery Scheme debt has been provided

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