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        ENDED 31 MARCH 2018
                                                                 Public   Revaluation   Income and          Total
                                                              Dividend        Reserve   Expenditure
                                                                Capital                     Reserve

                                                                 £000          £000          £000          £000

         Taxpayers’ Equity at 1 April 2017 -
         Brought Forward                                        45,745         5,670        13,641        65,056
         Surplus for the Year                                         -             -         6,008        6,008

         Other Transfers Between Reserves                             -          (69)            69            -
         Impairments                                                  -        (4,728)            -       (4,728)
         Revaluations                                                           1,218             -        1,218

         Public Dividend Capital Received                        5,338              -             -        5,338

          Taxpayers’ and Others’ Equity at 31 March 2018        51,083          2,091        19,718       72,892


        ENDED 31 MARCH 2017
                                                                 Public   Revaluation   Income and          Total
                                                              Dividend        Reserve   Expenditure
                                                                Capital                     Reserve

                                                                 £000          £000          £000          £000

         Taxpayers’ Equity at 1 April 2016 -
         Brought Forward                                        45,745         1,042         11,043       57,830
         Surplus for the Year                                         -             -         2,582        2,582

         Other Transfers Between Reserves                             -          (14)            14            -
         Impairments                                                  -             -             -            -

         Revaluations                                                 -         4,644             -        4,644
         Transfer to Retained Earnings on Disposal of Assets          -            (2)            2            -

         Taxpayers’ and Others’ Equity at 31 March 2017         45,745          5,670        13,641       65,056

        Information on Reserves                                Revaluation Reserve

        Public Dividend Capital                                Increases in asset values arising from revaluations are
                                                               recognised in the revaluation reserve, except where,
                                                               and to the extent that, they reverse impairments
        Public dividend capital (PDC) is a type of public
                                                               previously recognised in operating expenses, in
        sector equity finance based on the excess of assets
                                                               which case they are recognised in operating income.
        over liabilities at the time of establishment of the
                                                               Subsequent downward movements in asset valuations
        predecessor NHS organisation. Additional PDC may
                                                               are charged to the revaluation reserve to the extent
        also be issued to trusts by the Department of Health
                                                               that a previous gain was recognised unless the
        and Social Care. A charge, reflecting the cost of capital
                                                               downward movement represents a clear consumption
        utilised by the trust, is payable to the Department of
                                                               of economic benefit or a reduction in service potential.
        Health as the public dividend capital dividend.
                                                               Income and Expenditure Reserve
                                                               The balance of this reserve is the accumulated
                                                               surpluses and deficits of the trust.

        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust          160                          Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18
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