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                                                               Note                2017/18               2016/17
                                                                                     £000                  £000

         Operating Income from Patient Care Activities            3                213,491               192,037

         Other Operating Income                                   4                 51,068                30,555

         Operating Expenses                                     5, 7              (248,073)             (209,644)

         Total Surplus from Continuing Operations                                   16,486                12,948
         Finance Income                                          10                     30                    28

         Finance Expenses                                        11                 (9,693)               (9,815)
         PDC Dividends Payable                                                        (913)                 (981)

         Net Finance Costs                                                        (10,576)               (10,768)
         Other Gains                                             13                     98                   402
         Share of profit / (losses) of associates / joint                                 -                    -
         Surplus for the Year from                                                   6,008                 2,582
         Continuing Operations
         Other Comprehensive Income:

         Will Not be Reclassified to Income and Expenditure:
         Impairments                                              6                 (4,728)                    -

         Revaluations                                            17                  1,218                 4,644
         Total Comprehensive Income for the Period                                   2,498                 7,226

        Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust          158                          Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18
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