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Note 31 March 31 March
2018 2017
£000 £000
Non-Current Assets:
Intangible Assets 14 12,931 11,650
Property, Plant and Equipment 15 193,527 208,232
Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures 18 450 -
Trade and Other Receivables 20 81 139
Total Non-Current Assets 206,989 220,021
Current Assets:
Inventories 19 2,693 2,511
Trade and Other Receivables 20 35,300 16,612
Other Assets - -
Non-Current Assets Held for Sale 21 - 13
Cash and Cash Equivalents 22 12,244 6,516
Total Current Assets 50,237 25,652
Current Liabilities:
Trade and Other Payables 23 (23,034) (17,010)
Borrowings 25 (4,463) (4,197)
Provisions 27 (445) (443)
Other Liabilities 24 (1,070) (2,264)
Total Current Liabilities (29,012) (23,914)
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 228,214 221,759
Non-Current Liabilities
Borrowings (150,934) (152,235)
Provisions (756) (699)
Other Liabilities (3,632) (3,769)
Total Non-Current Liabilities (155,322) (156,703)
Total Assets Employed 72,892 65,056
Financed by
Public Dividend Capital 51,083 45,745
Revaluation Reserve 2,091 5,670
Income and Expenditure Reserve 19,718 13,641
Total Taxpayers’ Equity 72,892 65,056
The notes on pages 162 to 194 form part of these accounts.
Signed: Louise Shepherd
Chief Executive
22nd May 2018
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 159 Annual Report & Accounts 2017/18