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1.6 Expenditure on Other Goods and                     that would be determined at the end of the reporting
        Services                                               period. Current values in existing use are determined as
        Expenditure on goods and services is recognised
                                                               • Land and non-specialised buildings – market value
        when, and to the extent that they have been received,
                                                                for existing use
        and is measured at the fair value of those goods and
        services. Expenditure is recognised in operating       • Specialised buildings – depreciated replacement
        expenses except where it results in the creation of     cost, modern equivalent asset basis.
        a non-current asset such as property, plant and
        equipment.                                             The Depreciated Replacement Cost approach assumes
                                                               that the asset would be replaced with a modern
        1.7 Property, Plant and Equipment                      equivalent, not a building of identical design, with
                                                               the same service potential as the existing asset. The
        1.7.1 Recognition                                      modern equivalent may well be smaller than the existing
                                                               asset, for example, due to technological advances in
                                                               plant and machinery.
        Property, plant and equipment is capitalised where:
        • it is held for use in delivering services or for     Properties in the course of construction for service or
          administrative purposes                              administration purposes are carried at cost, less any
                                                               impairment loss. Cost includes professional fees and,
        • it is probable that future economic benefits will flow
                                                               where capitalised in accordance with IAS23, borrowing
          to, or service potential be provided to, the trust
                                                               costs. Depreciation commences when they are brought
        • it is expected to be used for more than one financial   into use.
        • the cost of the item can be measured reliably        IT equipment, furniture and fittings and plant and
                                                               machinery that are held for operational use are valued
        • the item has cost of at least £5,000, or
                                                               at depreciated historic cost where these assets have
        • collectively, a number of items have a cost of at least   short useful economic lives or low values or both, as
          £5,000 and individually have cost of more than £250,   this is not considered to be materially different from
          where the assets are functionally interdependent, had   current value in existing use.
          broadly simultaneous purchase dates, are anticipated
          to have similar disposal dates and are under single   Subsequent Expenditure
          managerial control, or
                                                               Subsequent expenditure relating to an item of property,
        • items form part of the initial equipping and setting-up   plant and equipment is recognised as an increase in
          cost of a new building or refurbishment of a ward or   the carrying amount of the asset when it is probable
          unit, irrespective of their individual or collective cost.   that additional future economic benefits or service
          These are capitalised as a grouped equipment asset.  potential deriving from the cost incurred to replace
                                                               a component of such item will flow to the enterprise
        Where a large asset, for example a building, includes a   and the cost of the item can be determined reliably.
        number of components with significantly different asset   Where a component of an asset is replaced, the cost
        lives, e.g. plant and equipment, then these components   of the replacement is capitalised if it meets the criteria
        are treated as separate assets and depreciated over    for recognition above. The carrying amount of the part
        their own useful economic lives.                       replaced is de-recognised. Other expenditure that does
        1.7.2 Measurement                                      not generate additional future economic benefits or
                                                               service potential, such as repairs and maintenance, is
        Valuation                                              charged to the Statement of Comprehensive Income in
                                                               the period in which it is incurred.
        All property, plant and equipment assets are measured
        initially at cost, representing the costs directly     Depreciation
        attributable to acquiring or constructing the asset and   Items of property, plant and equipment are depreciated
        bringing it to the location and condition necessary for   over their remaining useful economic lives in a manner
        it to be capable of operating in the manner intended   consistent with the consumption of economic or
        by management. Assets that are held for their service   service delivery benefits. Freehold land is considered to
        potential and are in use are measured subsequently at   have an infinite life and is not depreciated.
        their current value in existing use.
                                                               Property, plant and equipment which has been
        Revaluations of property, plant and equipment are      reclassified as ‘held for sale’ ceases to be depreciated
        performed with sufficient regularity to ensure that    upon the reclassification. Assets in the course of
        carrying amounts are not materially different from those

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