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for at 10% (31 March 2017: 15%) to reflect recoverability   when it receives notification from the Department of
        of more recent incidents.                              Works and Pensions Compensation Recovery Unit
                                                               that the individual has lodged a compensation claim.
        Holiday Pay Accrual                                    The income is measured at the agreed tariff for the
                                                               treatments provided to the injured individual, less a
        The accrual for outstanding leave has been calculated   provision for unsuccessful claims and doubtful debts.
        on an actual basis.
                                                               Revenue Grants and Other Contributions to
        The amount of outstanding annual leave as at 31 March   Expenditure
        has been requested from all managers from across the
        trust. The accrual is calculated based on the returns   Government grants are grants from government bodies
        from those managers. The trust’s annual leave policy   other than income from commissioners or trusts for
        clearly states that annual leave is expected to be taken   the provision of services. Where a grant is used to fund
        in the year it relates to and only carried forward on   revenue expenditure it is taken to the Statement of
        exceptional basis and with agreement from managers.    Comprehensive Income to match that expenditure.
        1.3 Interests in Other Entities                        The value of the benefit received when accessing

        Joint Arrangements                                     funds from the Government’s apprenticeship service
                                                               is recognised as income at the point of receipt of the
                                                               training service. Where these funds are paid directly
        Arrangements over which the trust has joint control
                                                               to an accredited training provider, the corresponding
        with one or more other entities are classified as
                                                               notional expense is also recognised at the point of
        joint arrangements. Joint control is the contractually
                                                               recognition for the benefit.
        agreed sharing of control of an arrangement. A joint
        arrangement is either a joint operation or a joint venture.
        A joint venture is a joint arrangement whereby the     1.5 Expenditure on Employee Benefits
        parties that have joint control of the arrangement     Short-Term Employee Benefits
        have rights to the net assets of the arrangement.
        Joint ventures are recognised as an investment and     Salaries, wages and employment-related payments
        accounted for using the equity method.                 such as social security costs and the apprenticeship
        The trust has entered into a joint venture with Alder   levy are recognised in the period in which the service
        Hey Children’s Charity for the development of patient   is received from employees. The cost of annual leave
        experience. The transactions are not significant in    entitlement earned but not taken by employees at
        2017/18.                                               the end of the period is recognised in the financial
                                                               statements to the extent that employees are permitted
        1.4 Income                                             to carry-forward leave into the following period.
                                                               Pension Costs
        Income in respect of services provided is recognised
        when, and to the extent that, performance occurs       NHS Pension Scheme
        and is measured at the fair value of the consideration
        receivable. The main source of income for the trust is   Past and present employees are covered by the
        contracts with commissioners in respect of health care   provisions of the NHS Pension Scheme. The scheme is
        services. At the year end, the trust accrues income    an unfunded, defined benefit scheme that covers NHS
        relating to activity delivered in that year, where a patient   employers, general practices and other bodies, allowed
        care spell is incomplete.                              under the direction of Secretary of State, in England
                                                               and Wales. The scheme is not designed in a way that
        Where income is received for a specific activity which   would enable employers to identify their share of the
        is to be delivered in a subsequent financial year, that   underlying scheme assets and liabilities. Therefore, the
        income is deferred.                                    schemes are accounted for as though they are defined
                                                               contribution schemes.
        Income from the sale of non-current assets is
        recognised only when all material conditions of sale   Employer’s pension cost contributions are charged to
        have been met, and is measured as the sums due         operating expenses as and when they become due.
        under the sale contract.
                                                               Additional pension liabilities arising from early
        The trust receives income under the NHS Injury Cost    retirements are not funded by the scheme except
        Recovery Scheme, designed to reclaim the cost of       where the retirement is due to ill-health. The full amount
        treating injured individuals to whom personal injury   of the liability for the additional costs is charged to the
        compensation has subsequently been paid, for           operating expenses at the time the trust commits itself
        instance by an insurer. The trust recognises the income   to the retirement, regardless of the method of payment.

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