Page 150 - YTC Journal 2018
P. 150

םייח תרות תבישי
      YESHIVA TORAS CHAIM                                  Inaugural Tribute Dinner
                                 The Legacy Lives On
           Rav Twersky, Rav Geisler, Rav Silver & Rav

                                  Schorr, shlita

             Words cannot adequately express the gratitude we have towards you
                      for everything you have done for our Yaakov Tzvi!
               You have been mashpia on every aspect of his avodas Hashem—
                      from limud Torah, to middos, to yiras shamayim.

           May HaKadosh Baruch Hu grant you siyata d’shmaya in all your endeavors
                  and may you continue to be ma’amid many more talmidim
                                in the true derech Hashem.

                            MARTY & MICHELE MAYERS

                                    vmuj lh,ubhhgn umuphafk

                                    In honor of all the

                                         and the
                             Rosh Yeshiva, shlita

                      for all the work and care you give to the talmidim.

                                DOVI & GITTY KOHN
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