Page 153 - YTC Journal 2018
P. 153

םייח תרות תבישי
      YESHIVA TORAS CHAIM                                  Inaugural Tribute Dinner
                                 The Legacy Lives On

                                   With gratitude to the
                             Hanhala & Rebbeim

                                      of the Yeshiva.

                          ELCHONON & CHAIKIE STERN

                  We feel privileged to be counted as part of the Toras Chaim mishpacha.
                     We’ve seen up close the dedication and effort of the Rebbeim
                              and we’ve also witnessed the results—
                         the amazing bochurim that the yeshiva is forming.

                             We are deeply grateful to our son’s Rebbe,
                              Harav Chanina Geisler
                His inspiration and example are even greater than his world renown geonus.
                   It’s an enormous zchus to have Yonason learning closely under him.

                          Also our hakaras hatov goes to the Rosh Yeshiva
                       Harav Hagaon R’ Dov Kreiswirth

                                for his guidance and inspiration.
                  A true heir to the mesorah of the gaon and tzaddik R’ Chaim Kreiswirth

           May we all continue to share in the nachas of raising generations of talmidei chachomim
                      until the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu b’mhera b’yameinu.

                              EFRAYIM & JESSICA NUDMAN
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