Page 185 - YTC Journal 2018
P. 185

םייח תרות תבישי
      YESHIVA TORAS CHAIM                                  Inaugural Tribute Dinner
                                 The Legacy Lives On

                                                         In recognition of
                                                 Harav Rabbi Giesler, shlita
                      In honor of                    on this well deserved honor.
                   Rabbi Geisler
                                                  We thank you for being a role model
                for this well-deserved honor
                                                   and inspiration for Elisha and Zevi
              and for all the wonderful rebbeim   along with all the talmidim of the Yeshiva.
                 that had such a hashpa’a             Your warmth, devotion and
                on my son Yehuda Tzvi Abadi.
                                                sincerity to limud Hatorah and Derech Eretz
                                                 will remain a guiding force for our boys.
               May Hashem grant the Yeshiva
          continued success on their tremendous efforts.
                                                  May you have the strength to continue
                                               your avodas hakodesh for many years to come.
                     With gratitude,
           LARRY & FAYGE (ABADI) GOLDFARB        With much admiration and appreciation,
                                                  BATSHEVA & NETANEL GRALLA
                                                          AND FAMILY

                     In honor of the
              Rosh HaYeshiva, shlita                With tremendous cuyv ,rfv to the
            and each and every one of the wonderful   t"yhka vchahv atr
                     Rebbeim                              and to all the
                      Thank you                        for their tireless efforts
             for making our son’s past three years   invested on behalf of every bachur
               into the incredible experience          and the limitless time
                    that it has been.               devoted towards their hatzlacha.

                                                   SHRAGIE & SARA LEAH KATZ
               ALEX & DEVORAH BERGER
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