Page 187 - YTC Journal 2018
P. 187

םייח תרות תבישי
      YESHIVA TORAS CHAIM                                  Inaugural Tribute Dinner
                                 The Legacy Lives On

                      In honor of
                our beloved brother and uncle          For an aliyas neshama
                                                       and in appreciation of
                    Shlomo z”l
                                                  Rabbi Shlomo Twersky k"mz
           whom we greatly admired and dearly miss.
                                                      who gave us our wonderful
                                                   daughter-in-law and sister-in-law
         May his memory and inspirational love for Torah
             be a source of blessing for his family        Hindy whj,a
                   and for Klal Yisrael.
                                               EPHRAIM, SARAH, AHARON & MOSHE
                     ADA COHEN
         MICHAEL & BATSHEVA GOLDENHERSH                     STERN

                   In loving memory of

               Shlomo S. Twersky k"mz
            Shlomo Twersky zt”l was the founder of the
          Touro College Physician Assistant (PA) program.
             In that role Shlomo educated and guided      In memory of
               hundreds of today’s PAs who serve
                in various medical roles in the    Rabbi Shlomo Twersky
             New York Metropolitan area and beyond.    who was beloved by all
         Shlomo zt”l was my boss, mentor, doctor and friend.   in honor of the amazing
          He was always my first call for any medical issues.
                                                Twersky & Nussbaum families
            Shlomo Twersky zt”l leaves behind a legacy   for all the sxj that they do!
          of caring acts and kindness to all who knew him.
                                                  With much admiration and affection,
                  You are greatly missed
             by your family, friends and colleagues.   YOEL & SARA MALKA KRANSNOW
            May you continue to bless us from above.

                   With loving memory,
                   ESTHER INGBER
                No.1 Administrative Assistant
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