Page 3 - Teslacoin Review - Harnessing Energy
P. 3
Energy is Central to Human Development
and Wellbeing
According to the Teslacoin whitepaper,
energy is and has always been the key
to the advancement of the human
condition. The available amount of
energy on offer to a society at a given
period in time has been determinant of
the quality of life known to that society as well as the upward mobility of its
Part and parcel to the struggle for survival that has always been present in
humankind is the development of the means for releasing, increasing, and in
modern times, storing energy. The energy produced by humanity can be measured
in horsepower, and if we are to look at the amount of energy produced by human
beings by muscular energy alone, we see that humans produce only 1/10th to
1/20th of a horsepower.
Humanity has pushed through several major breakthroughs in its march toward
greater and more efficient means of energy. The aforementioned muscular energy
period was first in line, followed by the mechanical energy period which harnessed
the kinetic influences of elements such as wind and water by the invention of
technologies like windmills and dams.